[TSG] Konstanz-Villingen

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  • Ich möchte nochmal anmerken, dass die nicht gewerteten Halte bei mir nur auf dieser Strecke auftreten.

    Das schmälert das Gesamtbild nicht und ich glaube auch, dass der TS daran schuld ist, aber diesen Fehler habe ich nur bei KV.

  • Hab da nochmal was gefunden. Evtl. ist das auch schon bekannt.

  • @Berliner079 Wie lol515 bereits sagte, ist auf dem Bild kein 500er sondern ein 2000er zu sehen. Ich meinte den 500er 250m weiter vorne (steht aber auch in meinem Beitrag drin :) ). Bin mir aber nicht sicher ob der da evtl. sogar absichtlich fehlt, siehe Beitrag von ghm16.

  • @Jason
    Ich hatte vergessen, hier auf deine gemeldeten Fehler einzugehen.
    Tut mir leid.
    Sie wurden aber notiert! Vielen Dank!

    Gleiches gilt für den von @eCore gefundenen Fehler am ZSig S1 von Radolfzell (das verschobene Zs3)
    Ebenfalls vielen Dank!

    Wir sammeln noch und bedanken uns bei Allen, die uns helfen, etwaige Bugs zu finden, damit wir diese reparieren können.

    Danke, wollte ich auch eben schreiben.

    Egal, wie weit Draußen man die Wahrheit über Bord wirft, irgendwann wird sie irgendwo an Land gespült.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Prelli ()

  • @Prelli

    Das sollte auch gar nicht als Vorwurf an dich oder irgendwen anders gerichtet sein, um Gottes willen! :)

    War nur etwas verwundert, dass Seitens vR gar keine Rückmeldung kam. *denk*

    Aber super, dass alles angekommen ist. :thumbup:

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Snens ()

  • @PrelliDas sollte auch gar nicht als Vorwurf an dich oder irgendwen anders gerichtet sein, um Gottes willen! :)

    Das ist wirklich lieb, dass du das so siehst.
    Aber eine Reaktion darf schon erwartet werden, wenn ihr euch schon die Mühe macht, das hier mitzuteilen. Wie gesagt... ich hatte daran gedacht, war dann aber abgelenkt und hatte es dann vergessen! Bitte entschuldige!

    Eben bei UKTS gelesen:

    Zitat von tnleeuw01

    The more I drive this route, the more impressed with it I am.

    Sowas zu lesen macht mich wirklich glücklich :)

    Egal, wie weit Draußen man die Wahrheit über Bord wirft, irgendwann wird sie irgendwo an Land gespült.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Prelli ()

  • Let me re-post what I wrote at UKTrainsim:
    I've been playing the KoVi route a lot on my primary computer lately with no issues. Now I stay somewhere else where I have a PC with an older 1GB AMD graphics card (6850). So far it has always been performing acceptably, but now with KoVi I have a weird issue: it always crashes when I get to areas with those deep forests full of coniferous trees. It seems to be just there - happens when I reach Engen on the way from Singen or Immendingen on the way from Villingen, I can even easily replicate it by starting at Immendingen and when I move my free view towards the forests it hangs and I have to manually force TS to shut
    Could it be the graphics card? Anyone with an AMD card having this issue too? I'm running 15.7.1 Catalyst drivers.
    Or could it be that 1GB memory is too low? When monitoring the memory usage with GPU-Z it never went past 700-800MB...

    I did everything I could, reinstalled the route, verified the installer md5 checksum (compared it to the one I have on the other PC) finally even verified the local steam files, checked if it could not be a memory limit issue (2.3GB limit), all to no avail.

    This must be a graphics card driver issue or something, issue to display something in that forest between Immendingen and Engen. Unfortunatekly I already have the latest catalyst for my ancient card and not sure I want to try the
    beta driver.

    If anybody still has some more ideas what I could try please let me know. Otherwise it looks like a new card purchase will be necessary if I want to play KoVi on this PC.

    I'm trying to post it here as well as the community here might have more experience with how the route was built (there are even some route authors here I believe - Prelli?) and help me understand what could be in that forest between Immendingen and Engen that makes the TS freeze. It literally freezes, no dump output is produced.

    Thank you very much!

  • @jstange
    I would simply say times,
    the graphics card is too weak, not only for this route, the very
    demanding but also for the TrainSimulator generally.

    It would be interesting for us, if we know what you generally have for a
    PC sytsem, because graphics cards with only 1GB that sounds ONBOARD or

    It surprised me that you get the TS then at all to run, I guess the settings with graphics are very low.

    Can you upload a screenshot of your settings in graphics here and please enter your PC system?

    The information of the PC-System are important by 87% of all problems ;)

  • Hello jstange,

    I played the KoVi very intensively on
    a GTX560ti with 1280 MB Vram
    a GTX560 with 1024 MB VRam
    a GTX680ti with 4096 MB VRam
    and a GTX1070 with 8192 MB VRam.
    Sorry, no AMD graphic cards here :(

    All these graphic cards worked stable. I never encountered any problems except differences in performance.
    I never had any crashes you described, except of course memory overflows (>3,5 GB) or other well known issues.
    So I really have no idea whats wrong with your installation or computer configuration.

    Maybe it would be helpful to start your TS2017 together with logmate and to check the windows eventlog to get any hints.
    Furthermore it would be helpful to lower the graphic settings, especially water and shadow details.

    I'm sorry I can't really help you and sorry for any inconviniences.

    Egal, wie weit Draußen man die Wahrheit über Bord wirft, irgendwann wird sie irgendwo an Land gespült.

  • Hello guys,

    thanks a lot for your replies.

    My system is not a laptop, it's a relatively new, but weaker core i3 4170, 3.7 GHz, just with a very old graphics card - AMD HD 6850, 1GB of GDDR5. The PC has 20 GB of RAM (8+8+2+2).

    I built this PC partially from new components, partially from old that I had (the graphics) to be used in my second house where I spend weekends etc. Because I use it with an old display of a lower resolution you would be suprised how well it performs in TS. I cap my FPS at 30 as it gives you smoother ride and I can get these 30 fps in most of the routes. All that with 1x2 SSAA, AF 2x and all sliders on MAX!! I believe it's mainly due to the CPU - despite being weak overall - having very good single thread performance and the fact my resolution is as low as 1280x1024. I'm running this setup for almost two years now.

    So for instance I'm able to play Mosel route with no issues and get 30 fps on most of it. I almost never had any crash and the ones I had were the usual memory issues with some routes and crash to desktop with a dump file produced. Never had any TS crash where the game would just freeze. What happens in that forest of KoVi is really weird.

    By the way I did try to lower my settings to absolute minimum, plus I even turned off dynamic lighting, nothing changes. The game runs perfectly, but just freezes outside of Immendingen and Engen, always on the very same place.

    It's clear that it's not easy to help and the reason I asked it here was that someone could possibly know what is so special in that section of KoVi, what special objects could be there that might be more resource hungry or use some unusual shadows or something similar. I understand it's not an easy thing to get to the bottom of this and I do not expect anyone to resolve it for me.

    Seems like I will have to go nvidia. I just hope that the graphics is indeed the problem here :(

    EDIT: I already tried logmate yesterday, but it gives no clues I am afraid. It does spit out some errors, but these are the "usual" errors you get with every route. What I did was:

    Started a QD scenario at Immendingen, checked the logmate messages then started moving towards the forest and when it froze I checked the logmate again. There were no new messages that would give you a hint about what went wrong.

  • It could be a issue we got also on developing Koblenz-Trier.
    Assetblocks with too much models in it results in problems on PCs with AMD-Grafics.

    On our PCs with NVidia-Cards ther was no trouble with Assetblocks including 500.000 grass-models, but on AMD-grafics it always crash in the moment of loading this blocks.

    So you can check if this blocks with deep forest have more than 300.000 models in it. Double click on the Block und look in the Flyout in the top right corner.


  • Danke @Fight43dom
    Es gibt solche Assetblöcke durchaus. Nicht viele, aber doch einige.
    Danke für den Verdacht. Sollte sich das bewahrheiten, ist das umso mehr ein Grund, an meiner langjährigen Vorliebe für nVidia festzuhalten.

    In a quick search I found indeed a few asset blocks with densities of 100k and above up to 300k.
    Maybe that's the problem?
    But nevertheless I can't really help you, if this is really caused by high asset block's densities in conjunction with AMD graphic cards. I'm sorry.

    Egal, wie weit Draußen man die Wahrheit über Bord wirft, irgendwann wird sie irgendwo an Land gespült.

  • 300'000 was the highest value, I found.
    So this should not be the problem, you say?

    300.000 war der höchste Wert, den ich fand.
    Dann kann das also nicht das Problem sein?

    Egal, wie weit Draußen man die Wahrheit über Bord wirft, irgendwann wird sie irgendwo an Land gespült.