Ich habe Probleme mit Knoten Hamburg 1.6.
Lassen Sie alle payware und Freeware im Inneren. Rails in Altona und fehlt auf keinen Gras zu verfolgen. blauem Grund. Haben Master und wird wieder in Hamburg Bahnhof erstrahlen.
Was ist das Problem. Die Züge schweben durch ohne Brücken nach Altona. Hoffe, dass Sie mich mit dem Problem helfen kann.
Probleme mit Hamburg Knotenpunkt 1.6
blauem Grund.
maybe you dont have the old TS2012 (Railworks 3) Resources, especially the "ELAP" (european loco & asset pack)
Please check the requirements carefully! -
ich habe alle payware und freeware von der seite schotterman.de. und european loco and assets and american assest
Please use RW-Tools (info Wiki) to Check all the stuff, the Route will have.
Ich habe nur rwp files keine manual oder anderen
Why you dont read all about RW-Tools in the Wiki? Link to the Wiki is here in the headline.
RW-Tools has an english speaking help and there are a lot of english YouTube videos about using this tool.
You wrote problems with the installed Route, so check the the installed route. -
the problem is not the rwp but missing tracks and grass. is there a place i can find the readme. i have not the readme files in my pc. i have search and seach.
Or somebody who could help over teamviewer?
To write it once more:
Please check this route with RWTools and generate a list of all missing assets, remove the listed duplicates (to shorten the amount of listed items) and attach this list here.Until then we are unable to help, I regret.
but how. i have read in wiki but i am not sure how to do it
Did You read that: RWTools Strecke prüfen und verbaute Assets listen lassen ?
addidional in the Folder of RW-Tools you will find a RW_Tools_Help.pdf
page 12 checking a route.
Basicly this Route is nothing for an beginner, it needs a lot of experince to get this Route runnig.
you should start with easier Routes with good dokumentation, e.g. here in the download Freiberg or Rodachtal Plus. -
I have found out to use rwtools. I´ve got tracks and grass in the area of Altona. But the loading of scenarios is going slow. And i have a strong pc that should play the map without problems. What can i do? Use rwtools to check again or what.
Waiting for the first Scenario-Loading ist normal. This Route uses a lot of Assets from x Providers. All this Assets have to be prepared for the internal use (blueprint.pak). This tooks time, especially the first run. The next start will be faster, then the existing blueprint.pak will be used again.