ZitatAlles anzeigenv2.1.88 - The option Route Building Tools/Check Routes & Scenarios/List Stock used by all Scenarios
now checks the rolling stock against a list supplied by RudolfJan on uktrainsim (with his
kind permission) and shows which items are Default Stock - thus enabling Scenario builders to
ensure they are not using Payware or other 3rd party stock unknowingly.
v2.1.91 - As above, but I have compiled a list of Default Assets (everything, scenery, roads, track
sections etc) so that when you request a list of shapes used in a route, they are shown as
Default if they are. This should enable route builders to judge which items they are including
which are not Default items. Make sure you copy the items from the Templates folder into the
RW_Tools\Templates folder.
I have changed the Asset Viewer so that it is now a separate form and menu item from the
main menu (now changed to Assets/Asset Editor and Assets/Asset Viewer this uses a smaller screen
which rests against the right screen margin leaving plenty of room for the RailWorks asset editor
screen on the left. See the new instruction file.
v2.1.93 - Changes made to Asset Viewer
a. Window height decreased to fit on smaller monitors
b. View Next window label now shows current object's name
c. Asset Viewer is now also available from the Asset Editor screen's menu, thus allowing the
list of objects to be limited by using the Category box etc. This is more suitable for PCs
with multiple monitors.
d. Assets in the list with no .geopcdx files associated (e.g. markers etc) are now skipped
over when you click the View Next button.
I have included some more Index files which may be copied into your RW_Tools\Index folder
these speed up some operations.
2.1.88: fügt eine Option hinzu zu testen ob benutztes Material in einem Szenario Standard ist oder nicht
2.1.91: dasselbe, aber auch für alle anderen Asset Typen wie Gebäude, Straßen, etc für Streckenbauer
2.1.93: diverse Änderungen am Asset Viewer
Letzte Vollversion: 2.1.87
Letztes Update: 2.2.00