niemand hat jemals daran gedacht, die Kabine und Klänge remaking???? many thank an scuse me for my deutch??

ice 3 ice t
No .. the DTG Train (ICE 3, ICE 3M and ICE T) are for the Trashcan.
But you can do the first Step ... try and do it self -
Es tut mir leid, dass Sie werden nicht aktualisiert, diese Züge denken DTG, dass seit ihrer Veröffentlichung vier Jahre her ist!!
mit google tranlate -
You can speak English
Ich denke, man Fans von railwork können Sie zurücknehmen und aktualisieren, damit diese Ihre schönen Züge
yes i can speak english
okay I want to say that I think you Germans enthusiasts railwork you can take back and update these your beautiful trains in the layout of the cabin and the sounds of the train because dtg made them four years ago and no longer touched him. thank you -
yes i can. thanks
okay I want to say that I think you Germans enthusiasts railwork you can take back and update these your beautiful trains in the layout of the cabin and the sounds of the train because dtg made them four years ago and no longer touched him. thank you
I think there is an update for the ICE 3 in the download library but it wasn't perfect because there were some annoying sounds in the sound loop. In addition to that it SHOULD be DTGs task to fix it anyway, of course they won't do it (anymore). If it's important to you I would suggest to have a look in our wiki or maybe in another forum with english explanations and have a try by yourself... that's all you/we can do about it, sorry...
perhaps you are missing your willingness and that of dtg
No. There is now a big community for TrainSimulator which is developing over 9 years. We have many Freeware Developer but not all of them want to share they work.
If you think that the German Highspeed trains in TS are bad and unrealistic then learn how to use a 3d programm e.g. blender and build a new driver´s cab for this trains.
Every freeware developer do that what he/she want and what he/she is interested in. I think anyone would build a new cab for the ICE for free.
Greetings, Norman
Thanks but i am not able to use 3d programs, I think that the graphics of the cabin and the sounds used in Zusi 3 are good ones, I think dtg should upgrade because the German and world users who like ice trains are many. by
Then write DTG a mail and explain your wishes. Nothing will happen but just try it.
Ich glaub, der Thread kann geschlossen werden. -
Genauso ist es, hier gibt es eigentlich nichts weiter zu sagen. Auch wenn es ein Userwunsch ist, welcher ja erstmal kein Problem darstellt, werden wir dieses aber nicht lösen können.
Deshalb kann denke ich mal hier dicht gemacht werden. @BlueAngel, @sven77, @einMonster
Viele Grüße
Norman -
Wir machen nichts einfach so schnell zu.
Wer nichts vernünftiges beitragen kann, schreibt nichts.
Geht das nicht in die Köppe?
StS -
Bah! the 'ice 3 has been updated with minor changes with Manheim Karlsuhe now 2 years ago and ice t not 'never been updated by dtg .... I get angry but happy you !! happy all !!!
...for dtg only commercial reason !!!!For example there are big difference between VR and DTG product,
I do not agree