Liebe Community,
ich habe mir gerade hier die Strecke Dublin-Cork runtergeladen ( die obersten 5 und die Assets zu V3 ).
Jetzt habe ich aber das Problem dass ich keine Bahnsteige an den Bahnhöfen habe. Ich dachte ich habe alles an Freeware und es wird auch sonst alles angezeigt aber anscheinend fehlt mir trotzdem was wegen den Bahnsteigen.
Wisst ihr was ?
Hier mal ein Auszug aus der Readme was benötigt wird :
The full route comprises four packages - the route itself, new assets required since Version 3 was published, a package containing the sound files and a small supplementary package with some additional assets missed out from earlier versions of the route. If this is a first installation, you will also need to download and install the asset package distributed with Version 3 (File 27518).
The bulk of the asset packages comprises assets I have made for the route. In addition, I have included assets by providers from whom I have received permission to distribute their assets with the route or who have indicated in their package that the asset may be freely used in non-commercial routes provided their contribution to the route is acknowledged. These are listed at the end of this document. I have also included assets from UKTS Freeware packages.
In addition to the assets included in the assets packages, you will need to have installed the IOW route ( ), and the Class 66 locomotive ( ). The Irish Rail EMD Class201 locomotive which is used with the Mk4 train is mechanically identical to the Class 66 (although the control panel is different) and is aliased to the Class 66 locomotive.
You will also need to download the 3D Trains foliage pack ( . To access this, you need to register with 3D Trains. Both the high or low resolution versions of the foliage package will work. The low resolution version is free; a small payment needs to be made to get the high resolution version. Also required is the UK Buildings Model Pack available at . Assets by SAD which I have used are from his highly recommended Altenburg to Wildau route obtainable from…2-0-for-ts2012?Itemid=207.
If you check the route with RW-Tools, you may get a message that a small number of assets are missing. Some of these have been withdrawn and are no longer available. Unfortunately these include some foliage assets from a package published by RS.Com some years ago but which apparently is no longer available and some buildings from a Charity Route called Phorum Peninnsula which is also no longer available. This will only affect persons installing the route for the first time who had not obtained these two packages when they were available. Their absence may have some impact on the visual quality of the route, but should not affect how it runs.