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  • While Paul works on the body I work on the cab. Here is the ETCS display with correct proportions and iconography.

    When Lemaster provides the measurements the whole dashboard will unfold, but while we wait there is no reason not to build the items we have the documentation for.

  • The kids were watching X-factor, so I got a little work done. Some colour corrections and the first attempt at the "clocks". As you might notice he uppermost one is a clone, this is due to lack of documentation. The scale on this clock - as opposed to the one below - is not linear and this takes a lot of documentation to get perfect.

  • As the 460 is the preferred Werbelok of the SBB you guys will be wanting it in all possible variants. In order to do so you will need to provide the material for the skinners to make textures out of.

    Here is a short how-to-do which I made back in 2007 when the 460 project were live in Trainz circles:

    Inspired by Beetsme's Re 460 and 465 reskins I will try to explain what a 3D modeller needs to make a proper skin based on a photography:

    • Sharp pictures. If your camera cannot focus properly the skin will suffer. Better to move closer to the object and take three shots (front, center, rear)
    • Side-on and end-on shots - try to make them as perpendicular as possible.
    • As close to steady light as possible. Cloudy days can make it it hard to use tiled photos - not impossible, but hard. There for take more than one shot at a time.

    Here is how I do it using my old first generation Canon digital SLR:

    • try to fit as much of the object in the viewer as possible without zooming. If I am too close to the object I prefer to start at one end and get the zoom and focus ratio juuuuust right.
    • then I look for a line running parallell to the object - when standing on a platform it is usually quite simple.
    • then I take the first shot and following the line I move along the object and take three or four shots at each stop to get the best result.
    • if possible I repeat the steps above on the opposite side of the object.
    • then I look for special features and take close up shots of those.
    • finally I take a couple of full frame shots of the object and I am done.

    You will notice that I am thinking completely two-dimensionally here. Shapes are not important since a skin is completely flat until applied to the mesh.Subsequently photo documenting an object with 3D modelling in mind is follows another modus operandii. When documenting an object for 3D work shapes are the important issue. This is where you see what is behind the flat blueprints or diagrams (Pläne). Here you try to catch the "soul" of the object and if possible also use a reference to get an idea of the three dimensional aspect of the components.

    If a friendly supporter can translate the above into German I will be very thankful. :)

  • And another 1000 things... Work in progress Julian. Just thought I'd show people the various stages of development.

    Major issue now is problems with the 3d model which show up in the game. Parts of the roof near the noses have uvw errors and the area near the steps needs to be fixed. There are some unwanted shadows now...

    I will ask Jørgen to fix it.

    "It's not about perfection, it's about progress"

  • Die Modernisierungsarbeiten des ersten Prototypen beinhalten die ordentliche Revision 3 und weitere Änderungen. Der zweite Prototyp wird voraussichtlich in der ersten Hälfte 2016 fertig sein (inklusive neuer IGBT-Stromrichter), weitere drei Prototypen folgen bis 2017. Danach beginnt die Serienfertigung, welche bis 2022 dauert.

    Modernisierung SBB Re 460: Der erste Prototyp ist auf der Schiene

    Prototyp SBB Re 460 084-7 "Helvetia"

  • Hello Creativeartworx,

    i see one big problem in the model you are building, you made the front window and the rest of the front completely flat, the locomotive has a rounded front. I hope you will fix this and finally it will exist a proper reproduction of this locomotive...

    Best regards,


  • Back in 2009 when the mesh was made (by me) there were no official plans available, hence the mesh was made using a plan from Eisenbahn Magazin and available photos. If you can provide plans showing the curvature then it is an easy fix, but without we will have to resort to guestimates.

  • Hello JB,

    Plans where you can see this rounded edges i don't have neither. I think it would be very difficult to find something, probably this details are only on the CAD Model for the frontmodules.
    But i don't think this is an excuse to not do it, of course without this exact details you can do only an approximation, but for the most of the models you need to do that. I Made my models of the RAe TEE and of the SBB Red Arrow just by approximation and examination of fotographs and observation of the original. There is not a blueprint where you really have a chance to see this details.

    I think that on the most of the pictures (also the ones here in the thread) you can recognise the rounded front shape that makes this locomotive much more elegant than not a flat one like the shown pictures of creativeartworx.

    Finally you can do what you want, but it i s alittle bit a pity that the swiss models are more expensive than the german ones but the quality is far away from that what can be possible...

    Best regards,


  • Die Modelle sind auch nur deshalb teurer weil wir weniger Stückzahlen verkaufen als zum Beispiel vR oder Railtraction. Es gibt viel mehr Deutsche in der TS Community als Schweizer. Folglich verkauft Railtraction/vR oder was auch immer eine grössere Stückzahl, dadurch kann der Preis gesenkt werden. Das Model wird aber noch geändert, ist ja noch WIP. @Freeskai klar sind Exoten interessant, kann auch gut möglich sein dass wir die RV3 Version noch machen, nur ist das extrem schwer. Da sie sich zum Beispiel anders anhört müsste man genau auf dieser einer Lok mitfahren um den Sound aufnehmen zu können. Und dafür muss man erst mal genau diese eine von 119 Loks erwischen. ;)