TS 2019 64x Class 378 Capitalstar Soundpack

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  • Class 378 Capitalstar Soundpack

    This soundpack will make the sound on the Class 378 by DTG more realistic aswell as enhance the braking and accellerating physics. Included is a scenario for the North London Line.

    A preview is here.

    You need to enable EFX in the Settings > Audio, otherwise this Soundpack is utterly pointless and will not sound good.

    1. Install the Class 378 DLC via Steam
    2. Install the Armstrong Powerhouse Class 375/377 Soundpack
    3. In the downloaded file, you will find a *.rwp file which needs to be installed with Utilities.exe found in the Train Simulator main directory (steam/steamapps/common/railworks).

    Please note these other things
    - When you install this, the Southern Class 377 will also get new ‘Joint’ (sound when driving over railway joints) and ‘Flange’ (sounds when driving into a curve) sounds
    - The passenger view does not feature a cab occlusion meaning that it will sound like being outside when in passenger view

    -fixed a Bug that caused the Cab Air Condition do be audible in other trains
    -fixed missing rolling sounds if you had the AP Track Enhancement Pack installed

    Zusätzliche Informationen

    Benötigte Payware
    Class 378, AP Class 375/377 Sound Pack
    Benötigte Freeware



Kommentare 8

  • Hallo und Danke läuft prima : Eine frage : ich kann in diese Aufgabe nicht der DC Strom auf AC Strom einstellen : schuh hoch dann Bügel hoch ?

    Edit 12.11.21 : Hab nach viele Zeit eine lösung gefunden : von DC auf AC : erst AC Stromabnehmer hoch dan schuh runter und dan wieder mit P und es geht...

  • Does this work with the AP375/377 enhancement pack, as the sound pack is no longer available?

    • I don't know. It might but I haven't tried it

    • I have tried it and unfortunately it does not. Are there any plans to make it compatible with the EP, as the sound pack is no longer available?

    • No plans. Maybe in the future

      Danke 1
  • Deutsch:
    Ich habe beim Szenario ein Problem wobei die Ansagen zwar Abspielen, aber sehr leise sind. Wüsstest du woran das liegt und wie ich es Richtigstellen kann?


    I have a problem with the scenario where the announcements play but are very quiet. Do you know why this is and how I can correct it?

    • Das soll so sein. Die Ansagen werden ja in der Passagierkabine abgespielt

  • Thanks Linus this is pretty similar to the real sound's appreciated your work :)