BR 146.2 and 146.3 DB
Here are the BR 146.2 and 146.3 DB based on the BR 146.5 :
- The BR 146 244-9 has the green ZZA, large white front line and the large DB logo on the sides.
- The BR 146 270-4 has the amber ZZA, shorter white front line and the small DB logo on the sides.
- The maximum speed of 160 km/h with DB approval and a realistic bluid date are presented
- The brake instructions near the buffer are presented.
- The UIC number match the front number.
- [RE] Regional Express is displayed instead of IC2: Der neue Intercity.
- Alpha chanel is fixed according to each engine (white front line and and red part on the frame).
NOTE: Logos are simple childitems (without GeoPcDX). They consume a bit of CPU resources. Each locomotive exists in a KI version with only the DB logo for KI trains.
1/ Extract the BR146.7z archive in a location.
2/ Use Utilities.exe to install (or extract the RWP with your favorite archive tools the folders BR146-244 and BR146-270 should be placed in Assets\Railtraction\BR146\BR146-5).
3/ Copy Engine.GeoPcDx from Assets\Railtraction\BR146\BR146-5\Engine to Assets\Railtraction\BR146\BR146-5\BR146-244 and to Assets\Railtraction\BR146\BR146-5\BR146-270
Delete folder Assets\Railtraction\BR146\BR146-5\BR146-244 and/or Assets\Railtraction\BR146\BR146-5\BR146-244
NOTE : Each repaint is independant, you can remove one or the other if you dont want both
Without any support
I don't plan to repaint the RailTraction Dostos. I use the Cologne Koblenz Dostos (already used for most of my vR engines). The addon DTG Cologne Koblenz is required. This will change the color of ALL dostos from the addon. If you want a full train with the same red as the BR 146, you can extact Dostos KK.7z and use Utilities.exe to install Dostos *repaint* and two Preloads for the BR 146. For uninstallation, delete Assets\DTG\CologneKoblenz\RailVehicles\Electric\DB146\Driving Trailer\Engine\Textures (or extract the .AP to override).
NOTE : This Dostos color also match with the vR BR 218, vR BR 112, vR BR 114, vR BR 143, vR BR 120, vR BR 181, vR BR 185 and vR BR 189.
For repaint creators
I can share the textures in 32 bits.
Thanks to Rail Traction for allowing the repaints. I would never have taken the time to do them if the locomotive didn't have excellent potential.
Zusätzliche Informationen
- Autor
- ES64F4
- Version
- 1.2
- Benötigte Payware
- RailTraction BR 146-5 Fernverkehr
- Benötigte Freeware
- None
- Kommentar zur Änderung (nach Veröffentlichung):
v1.1 : Improves the readability of the DB logo and front number.
v1.2 : Add realistic bluid date and fix homologation table (different for 146.2 and 146.3)
12,02 MB (288 Downloads) -
1,8 kB (202 Downloads) -
12,03 MB (195 Downloads) -
Dostos KK.7z
3,63 MB (179 Downloads) -
146 v1.2.7z
12,05 MB (150 Downloads)
Kommentare 11
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Neu erstellte Kommentare unterliegen der Moderation und werden erst sichtbar, wenn sie durch einen Moderator geprüft und freigeschaltet wurden.
Thanks for the great repaint, would it be possible to create a 146 with a dynamic train number?
This may be possible with childitem GeoPcDx. But I don't know how to do it.
Très belles repeintures, merci ES64F4!
Many thanks for your wonderful repaints.
Very good work. Thanks for the repaints.
Thank you very much for your repaint
Simply great! Thank you for the time you put into this. Top

erstmal vielen Dank für die tollen Repaints!
Frage: Was mache ich denn mit Textures Dostos, wo muß ich die hin packen?
Gruß, E63
Thanks for the two repaints, would it also be possible to add dynamic numbers to the repaints?
It's probably possible but it's not within my skills.
Oh, all right thanks for the answer.