Beiträge von analuisa
Good afternoon, I need help to find these traffic lights of this same route, I downloaded everything necessary but do not press the flashes marked in a red circle, thank you very much.
Thank you very much, but I'm missing the original, where can I find it?
Good afternoon, where I unload the train from the photos? machine and wagons.
Good afternoon, where can I download, the Two ViVo and the ViVO taurus machine?
B42, on time congratulations.
The windshield freezes in station, winter and autumn, you must activate the hot air interuptor, to defrost the windshield.
Expert and simple cabin, otherwise download it and you check it is totally free.
EMU D250
EMU ED250 train download link…--Sec62bbVHk6YtKardUKP5k0
Sorry about the answer, I took out light bulbs myself yesterday and at the hour the track runs smooth. Thanks a lot.
Good morning, tired of waiting and always hear the graphs go down, (which is not the good solution) yesterday I started to remove the hundreds of bulbs that were left over, and at the hour the track flows at high speed.
Good night, how can I retrieve a forum thread ,RailWorks & Train Simulator Screen Thread which was mistakenly ignored?
I only drive one train, there are no more rollers on the stage, my PC has targeta graphics 1080ti 32 gigas ram and an i9 processor
Buenas tardes, ten en cuenta que la ruta no se puede conducir por la noche debido a la gran carga que tienes en las dos grandes estaciones.
Pruébalo y saldrás de la duda,
That's 400 real miles.
Ruta LAV Madrid - Valencia 2.5 - 320 kmh incluso con TGV a más de 400 kmh