Good night, is there any way to start this machine?start fast? Quick start?
Beiträge von analuisa
Thank you very much, very kind.
Thanks for answering me, but I'm looking for the file that's good in the editor with this name. MarchSevereStorn1
Good morning, there is some file that has thunder storms for scenarios?thank you very much.
Will it be a ghost train or will you have a driver - driver - machinist - driver?
I'm saying this because inside the booths I don't see anyone.
Good night, I'd like to know if anyone has trouble getting into the game, when I give him to play in 64 bit he tells me that my graph I have to lower it and he throws me, but if he lets me in 32 bit
One question, if I want to repaint the TGvs® Réseau, I have to ask permission to
Dovetail Games -
camera depth on low.
Problem solved, thank you very much.
Thank you very much, you can tell me where it is to disable it?inside the game in settings or in settings of the nividia panel.?
Good night, all day long I obsessed that when I enter the game on any route and any train, I notice that when I am in the cabin with the view in front they see them and the distance I see it well, but the relijes of the speedometers brakes numbers I see them bo bo I see them well, but through the corner of my eye I see the blurred roads, any help to improve that incidence, but through the corner of my eye, any help to improve that incidence? Thanks a lot.
I'm about to Tester
¿En serio? Ese no debería ser el caso. Me miro a mí mismo y lo corrijo a corto plazo si es necesario.
I think it's okay for you to look at the wheels, and already look at the passenger views, because you sold 7 views and only seven 2, you already have a lot of criticism on that matter, have if you correct it is worth?
Good night, I have a problem or so I think, in the interior views does not let me go from wagon to vagon and I can only travel inside a wagon, is that right, or can you move all over the train?
ya puso el nuevo paquete de activos?
if the new package is 1.5g that doesn't work active faults either, but according to RW_Tools I have it all I don't lack anything.
El archivo solicitado se encuentra en una página web externa.
Siga sus instrucciones para iniciar la descarga. where are those instructions? -
todavía está fuera de línea
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