Beiträge von analuisa
Thanks a lot
good night, where I could download the CT GTW Stadtler, Greeks(repainted)
Good night, I am looking for a person to make some repaints, (cars), you will be payed for the work, for more information you can contact me, thank you very much.
YES, but the one I'm looking for, were posted a few weeks ago to myself on this page
Good afternoon, a few days ago I saw a unloading of a ferry for the transport of vehicles, but at the time I am looking for it and I do not find it, can you eschar me a little help please?
Deporte trains from msts to rw with Shape Converter, where can you download?
@analuisa Todos estos diferentes escenarios en la imagen de abajo están en ese único paquete que descargó.
Scenery e2caa95c-2093-4ce5-9e42-aefa0206ab4a - Berna - Friburgo (2016) es el escenario completo combinado de los 5 individuales (en el medio de la imagen como Bern - Friburgo Beta v. 1.0)
analuisa please specify the file you downloaded, then I can maybe tell you, what to do with it, okay ?
Good morning, I downloaded the path, but inside the file I get many different paths, are not all joined together?
Good afternoon, take out a folder and download there's your exel, and then you install it copy, paste it.
Good morning, the speed of the trains dial me in a mile, is it right, or is it some problem?