Hello oldsnake
after my first tests with RWE2 I noticed that there seems to be some interference with the "Raildriver & Joystick Interface" made ny CobraOne. Most likely the issues arise due to the fact, that both utilities use a similiar approach to place a script "between" the program and the original engine script for reading and passing control values. R&J Interface uses the extension .rdbak for the original engine scripts, and places it's own script with the original name of the engine script. RWE2 uses .rwebak extension and places a script with the original engine script name - which is in my case not the original engine script at all.
Sadly this leaves the engine unusable - I do not know if this is solveable, seems to be depending how similar the two approaches are for communicating with TS. Or the functionality of R&J Interface can be brought to RWE2. In general the two programs seem to work very simiiar in the communication part, altough R&J Interface has not such a sophisticated overlay.
My preference is clear, R&J interface is a must for me- Would be mostly interested in the HUD elements and maybe improved audio of RWE2. All this PIS, radio and SIS stuff is not of interest for me. But I acknowledge some people really like such stuff, and your program offers a lot of new possibilities and is very sophisticated - great job.
Also the cooking process is quite annoying, although I understand it is neccessary - ok I have really a lot of stuff, which for sure takes longer than for the most users.
Thanks and have a great day 
Kind regards