Beiträge von jstange
Wir reden hier aber von Regulatorstellung Null und nicht Ab@vr
vR_Ulf Are you sure you can pull the lever all the way down (to zero) before all power is unapplied? The issue is: you put the power lever to run down, it reaches zero, but then it still takes 3-7 seconds for power to get to zero. I don't think you can pull the lever to off when power is still applied. Is there any 111 driver here that could provide his comment on this?
Additionally, can you please advise how the headlight brightness can be increased? Shift-Home is not working for me...
Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Hebel ganz nach unten (auf Null) ziehen können, bevor die gesamte Stromversorgung unterbrochen wird? Das Problem ist: Wenn Sie den Krafthebel herunterfahren, erreicht er Null, aber es dauert immer noch 3-7 Sekunden, bis die Kraft auf Null kommt. Ich glaube nicht, dass Sie den Hebel ausziehen können, wenn noch Strom anliegt. Gibt es hier einen 111-Fahrer, der seinen Kommentar dazu abgeben könnte?
Können Sie uns bitte mitteilen, wie die Helligkeit des Scheinwerfers erhöht werden kann? Shift-Home funktioniert bei mir nicht ...
Just tested v2, my comments:
1/ I totally agree with the above post, the power takes too long to be a real 0 after getting to 00. This severely impacts driving.
2/ Not sure if the fan loop was changed..? It still does not sound very good.
3/ Can someone please advise how to increase brightness of the headlights? It is too low in tunnels and Shift-Home and Shift-End does absolutely nothing for me. No reaction. With Headlight Flares on or off.
Otherwise it's getting better for sure... thanks!
Wow, that was fast... is there any changelog for the udpate available? Can't find anything on the vR web pages...
A few comments, guys:
1/ I still don't see how it can hurt to ask. No-one wants the exact date and hour - simple probably this week/next week/next month will do. And if the qustion is silently ignored, fine by me.
2/ I don't see how the size of a company impacts its ability to evaluate the time required. No matter how small you are, you know your resources so you are able to at least guess how long it's going to take.
3/ "Because it's useless to ask this question because only Ulf can give an answer." Eh? So Ulf can give an answer. Or not - no-one threatens his life if not. Don't understand what's the trouble, gents...
4/ If the patch is going to take weeks or months to release I'd like to try to fix the fan loop issue myself - if Linus can't share his recordings, I'll try this with the current sound or find something on the Internet. Did a similar exercise for multiple locos already. The current loop is really spoiling the fun, especially from outside.
I actually have one more thing to report - was driving the 111 with the n-wagen at the back yesterday and was getting a strange hissing sound in curves. I saw something of the sort being reported earlier but it was for the driving trailer. Could this impact the 111 as well?
It will come when it is ready, no doubt at the same time as vR's own patch. So please be patient.
Thank you for this invaluable information, sir!
I don't know why every time one asks this, some people take the time and reply in this way - it's certainly better to stay silent. When a new product is about to be released I could probably understand that. But in this particular instance - the product has flaws (and the brake levers are a major flaw, no doubt!). I do not see Ulf asking me when vR is going to receive my money and me answering - please be patient, right?
My money is gone therefore in this case I have every right to ask.
linusf Sounds good! When could the patch be out, any idea? Would be great if this was fast, have time to play now!
So I also decided to bite the bullet and bought both packs. My comments are probably similar to what I saw earlier in the thread:
1/ Wrong brake lever setup in the cab - hope this will really be fixed as already promised by vR_Ulf
2/ Fans' sound loop is weird - don't think it was chosen very well. linusf would it be possible to obtain the original recording so that I can try to find a better loop?
3/ Some crackling at high speed, but really minor.
4/ Not sure if the power lever is not too sensitive, it is sometimes hard to hit the right place within the Z-Control portion
Overall, even despite the fan loop, it is mostly the sound that makes this release far superior to the original version from 2012, great job linusf Good that you now use the loop points for the horn.
If at least points 1&2 above are fixed, it is a good release...
Mal ein kurzer Zwischenstand: FML und EBremse kann ich bestätigen, hier bereits korrigiert. Cab bastel ich nochmal um.
Am WE sitzt nochmal ein 111er Pilot am TS mit der Lok, da kommen sicherlich auch noch Änderungen.
Ein Update dazu dann wahrscheinlich in der kommenden Woche.
Gruss Ulf
Can someone please help me understand - does this mean the brake lever configuration will be fixed?
I was seriously considering buying this, but I am sorry to say that, to me this is a major flaw. I can imagine that Ulf will state that "this is a minor item and all models have some small issues here or there", but this is not an extrenal light reflector that should have been 2 inches more to the right! The brake lever cluster is such a big element within the cab and so visible that if we accept such flaws in models that present themselves as "expert line" we can probably start buying fictitious locos that are products of developers' fantasy.
Additionally I would expect this improved model that we all have to pay for again to be better in every aspect or at least at the same level as the old 111 and not that there will be things that are wrong here and that the old model did perfectly right.
The bundle costs 30 Euros and it is not a bad deal; however, just now, you can buy the base version of MSFS 2020 for approx. twice the amount - 20+ planes, whole Earth in incredible detail etc.. I know, it can't be compared, this is a niche product, a small market. But what I truly believe is that we can expect payware developers that release products with such price tags to at least do their homework and model _major_ cab components right.
So with no reaction I assume there was never any patch sent to DTG and I was misled. Good to know for the future.
And regarding this speedometer with 120kph as a maximum in the 5047? Well, what to say... Stefan ( fsclips) claims in his videos this team have access to the real stuff. Mmmm... they have this and overlook how the biggest gauge in the cab looks? Well, I find it rather hard to believe...
Additionally - even me - who has nothing to do with railways except for having this as a small hobby - know that if a loco has some speed as a maximum, the speedo must have some buffer... strange indeed. -
OK, so I asked DTG directly in this thread on their forum:
And they claim there is currently no patch for the 5047 nor the Wiesel in their pipeline (they never received any patch). So one of the statements (patch sent to DTG vs. DTG has no patch) must be a lie or there's some misunderstanding between the dev and DTG. Is there a chance the product developer could comment this?
I'm still not sure whether I should go ahead and purchase this, although the info on what have been improved with v1.1 are promising.
What still has me somewhat concerned is the sound... videos of v1.0 were clearly showing the sound to be too low in the cab. Wonder if v1.1 improved this and overall... how would you compare the 1216 sounds to the RWA 1116 sounds? Is the 1216 significantly worse? I was quite OK with the RWA (Railjet) 1116 so if the sound is about the same quality, it should be fine...
Additionally, can the DDI screen be dimmed as with the 1116?
Thank you very much!
Hi, excellent indeed, a must have for me as this loco is often seen on the track close to my house. Any idea if we're getting closer to the release? And are you planning to release any Czech routes too? There's plenty of them available but it's sometimes hard to gather all the assets required. Would be nice to have one as a complete pack even if it's payware...
yes, I did find this file and exactly this section yesterday. The file is called headlight.bin, if I delete it, there's no headlight at all, so it must be the correct one... but it contains only one section for the light radius etc., what I need is to remove only the first level of lighting and maintain the other... actually now that I think of it there's one more called Headlightbp.bin, but per its content I expected it's used only with flares on...
EDIT: OK, I didn't read your message well enough I understand they stack the lights, so where exactly is that stacking configured, would you know? This is what I'm after I believe...
@ES64F4 Thanks a lot for your answer. Yes, I know that AP has this "fixed" in some of their products. What I was thinking about was: the lighting has several levels, my assumption is that each of them must be covered by some configuration snippet or a file - then this configuration or the file covering the lowest lighting level would simply be deleted or altered accordingly. I am now talking purely about the 1116/1016 from the RJ package.
@ES64F4 Thanks a lot for this, was planning to do it myself for quite some time, so this really helps.
One question though - would you know how I could make the 1116's headlights not emit any actual light, only if I activate the high beam? Meaning: if I choose the forward headlights using the light selector at the back panel there will be no light, if I press H to activate the high beam only then there would be light emitted.
If I successfully do this on the RWA railjet 1116 I believe I could apply the same to the new 1216.
Thanks a lot!
I think I explained it above. The headlights are illuminating all objects in front of the loco even during the day with skies clear. Its very unrealistic and annoying. Old TS issue that has no solution...
@DerHood Still way longer and harder to do than a single keypress... that I usually have assigned to one of my control joystick's buttons.
@DerHood Thanks a lot for your answer.But unfortunately that's exactly my point: you can't easily keep the lights completely off and just turn them on when entering a tunnel with a simple keypress. It can be done with all locos except the RWA Railjet's 1116. And this 1216 seems to be the same case.