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    Hello Jan,

    any update on this?

    Thanks a lot!

    Make sure you rename the file like this: TTB_KBS250_Berlin-Leipzig.bin . Notice that the original file was called like that, it's wrongly written in the manual. You have to delete that underline between "KBS" and "250". Then you'll get the TTB sky.

    Thanks a lot, that was it! Now I get the flashing though ;)


    Jan, any idea when the new sky could available for download to users if you plan to prepare it tomorrow?

    Many thanks!


    I now realise that you speak of some artifacts on the sky with TTB skydome - so basically it should, but you have some graphical glitches. However although I used both TTB files (renamed it per the manual) I still get Kuju sky in all scenarios.

    I also tested now on my laptop that has an GT 420 NVidia card and I also cannot get the TTB sky. Am I doing anything wrong?

    The size of my RouteProperties.xml and TTB_KBS_250_Berlin-Leipzig.bin is the same as RoutePropertiesTTBSkyDome.xml and KBS_250_Berlin-Leipzig_TTB-Himmel.bin respectively so I know I am using the right skydome files...

    Any idea?


    Hello Jan,

    my respect for such an answer. It would be great if you could find a solution. Perhaps if you cannot find it you could offer to use the Munich-Augsburg sky (which to me still looks better than the Kuju one) for AMD card users.

    I did not want my post above to sound like I am dissatisfied with the route. Even with the sky issue it is still probably the best German route at this time. If you can fix it it would be one for sure!

    Many thanks!

    I have the route since last Thursday and although I am quite satisfied with how it looks and with signaling (at least overall) I am rather disappointed by the fact that the improved sky works only on NVidia cards. In my opinion this definitely should be mentioned in the product description and not in the manual on the last page. If I advertise that I offer "custom weather system" and post those nice pictures of rich cloudy skies I think it takes just one sentence to warn AMD graphics card owners on the product page. This is simply false advertising and I feel cheated.

    I already wrote an email to Aerosoft about this and they just disagree. But sorry I think it is obvious. Important facts should not be hidden to the customers before the purchase.

    That's great the manual says "Sadly, this does not work with ATI cards"; I say "Sadly, I paid 30 EUR for the package". :(


    I don't speak German therefore my apologies for writing in English and using Google below for a translation.

    I have three question I would like to have answered before the purchase:

    1. Can you confirm no commercial add-ons are required and there is only extra scenarios that require it? How many basic scenarios are there? 10? And those that require vR BR 111 - is the the version with Dostos?

    2. Does the track not have the same effect like the track in Im Koeblitzer Bergland route (and Hagen Siegen v2.2 as well) where there is a dark shadow in front of the locomotive on the track that is moving with you? It looks like from the video that it's the case.

    3. I see here that there is also a Steam version planned? I ask because Steam Summer Sale may be just around the corner and while I have no problem paying full price for a good rpoduct, it would be a pity if this route would on sale with 50% off in a week or two...

    Thank you very much for your answers!



    Ich spreche nicht Deutsch daher meine Entschuldigung für das Schreiben in Englisch und mit Google unten für eine Übersetzung.

    Ich habe drei Fragezeichen Ich mag, um vor dem Kauf beantwortet haben würde:

    1. Können Sie bestätigen, keinen kommerziellen Add-ons erforderlich sind, und es gibt nur zusätzliche Szenarien, die sie benötigen? Wie viele grundlegende Szenarien gibt es? 10? Und diejenigen, die vR BR 111 erfordern - ist das die Version mit Dostos?

    2. Ist die Strecke nicht die gleiche Wirkung wie die Strecke in Im Koeblitzer Bergland Route (Hagen und Siegen sowie v2.2), wo es ist ein dunkler Schatten vor der Lok auf der Strecke, die mit Ihnen in Bewegung ist? Es sieht aus wie aus dem Video, dass es der Fall ist.

    3. Ich sehe hier, dass es auch eine Steam-Version geplant? Ich frage, weil Steam-Summer Sale gleich um die Ecke sein kann und während ich kein Problem den vollen Preis zahlen für eine gute rpoduct haben, es wäre schade, wenn dieser Weg würde zum Verkauf stehen mit 50% Rabatt in einer Woche oder zwei ...

    Vielen Dank für eure Antworten!