Beiträge von Iskult

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    Bei den Release Notes stand u.a.folgendes:





    Na einiges wurde schon geändert,steht in release_notes text im GTW Ordner:


    ========================= v3.0 Release Notes =========================



    Art - Exterior / General


    - Migrated all 2012/2013 models up to 3ds Max 22 and re-linked all objects, recreated all animations and materials

    - Fixed a gap in the windows on the Arriva Merwedelingelijn Abk1

    - Removed white stripe from wheels

    - Fixed a texture issue (fuzzy yellow line) on the nose of the ODEG Abk wagon

    - Fixed the missing blocks in the windshield for the windshield heaters (external view only)

    - New driver figure

    - New scharfenberg coupler model and fixed the coupler geometry so the coupled version isn t mirrored

    - New bogie and wheel geometry and textures

    - New region-correct fonts and colours for the destination boards

    - Fixed some axle decals

    - New higher resolution window frame textures on the passenger windows

    - Fully re-built UIC codes with consist numbers and names (where necessary) coded into every UIC code so they re now a common format across every version of the GTW DMU and EMU

    - Two new names on the DMU Achterhoek versions

    -- 10256 = PIET OUDOLF (letter W in the numbering convention)

    -- 10370 = PIET MONDRIAAN (letter X in the numbering convention)

    - One new name on the EMU Vechtdallijn version

    -- 10525 = REINIER PAPING (letter O in the numbering convention)

    - New Qbuzz EMU version

    - New Blauwnet DMU version

    - New Arriva Nevenlijnen Teal DMU version

    - New Arriva Limburg DMU and EMU versions

    Art - Cab


    - Made new texture for all warnings and buttons in the cabs to clean up the old, noisy buttons that were hard to read

    - Made cabview windows less foggy

    - Corrected the cab tempomaat / cruise display to be correct to the real train

    - Added train number, clock and traction block indicator to the multi-function display

    - Corrected cab MFD to use the correct font

    - Higher resolution / new, clearer hand-created textures for cab displays and GSM-R

    - Fixed the overhead lights and speakers in the cabviews. The speaker was originally a light and the lights were originally air vents. Oops!

    - New illuminated instruments for night, and new more accurate desk reading lights

    - Corrected one of the brake meters to now correctly read up to 12 bar

    Art - Thurbo


    - corrected the inside passenger door colour from red to dark grey

    - corrected the shunting light to be the left light instead of the top light

    - corrected the colour of some of the lights / buttons in the cab

    - added new UIC codes to one side of each driving wagon

    - removed a lot of screen information in the cab to comply with new SBB license conditions

    Art - Capital Metro


    - updated external colours and swapped MAN power unit for DEUTZ

    - added some geometry and texture changes, new brake lights, new side reflectors etc.

    - 4 new destinations MvKalla, Broadmoor, Special Event, Do Not Board

    - updated cabview to be much closer to the real thing with new geometry and textures, new bell control button, new brake lever

    - added destination pre-setting

    Art - ODEG


    - changed RB33 end station to Potsdam Hbf to reflect current schedules



    - Fixed a missing cross-linked pantograph sound from another train

    - EMU engine ventilator audio now only plays when pantograph is up

    - EMU pantograph sound modified so it shouldn't play every time the train comes into view

    - Horn sounds re-done with loop points

    - Miscellaneous bogie and wagon sound changes

    - New control sounds for many of the cab controls, recorded from cab ride

    - Moved the traction motor sound to the engine wagon instead of the passenger wagon (!)

    - Removed the voices from the Thurbo PZB emulation

    - New 'at speed' cab sound effect for general wind/rail noise, recorded from cab ride

    - Removed the 'crash' sound and replaced it with a schafenberg coupler sound, for coupling

    - New (irritating) cab wiper sounds :)



    - Excluded miscellaneous blueprints from the content browser (like smoke, lights, drivers etc)

    - Add all Dutch freeware routes to consist blueprints for the Dutch GTWs so they can now show up as AI and quickdrive consists automatically

    - Changed reverser from percentage to A-0-V in the HUD

    - Fixed some brake controls that were not set to apply to consist

    - Corrected all brake blueprint data to be consistent with other ChrisTrains models

    - Updated dynamic braking blueprints

    - Re-wrote and simplified the combined throttle / brake controller. It now has correct notches for 10% (tempomaat), 0% (off), -10% (brake 1) and -20% (remcrit) with linear control outside those ranges.

    - Fixed an error in the motor wagon blueprints where the train brake and dynamic brake controls were missing (!)

    - Reduced camera sway/jolt movement in the cab

    - Made second camera view in cab tilt slightly downwards

    - Flipped the motor wagon in the consist blueprints it was in backwards originally



    - New ATB-EG and ATB-NG functions to match all other recently-updated trains

    - E shortcut now zeros out throttle/brake controller

    - MUCH more prototypical performance under acceleration and braking, from newly-collected real-world test runs of EMU and both types of DMU from various drivers across the Dutch networks. You know who you are - Thank you !

    - Updated logic for manual use of pneumatic brakes now correctly overrides throttle control and requires manual throttle reset in order to gain traction again

    - Added holding brake when stopped

    - Emergency brake now requires correct reset procedure with pneumatic brake handle and optionally ATB-release (if triggered by ATB)

    - Added throttle smoothing/averaging

    - Added dynamic brake smoothing/averaging

    - If the reverser is set to 0 it now requires a throttle reset before power can be applied

    - New scripting around the re-written throttle/brake handle

    - More efficient code for cruise/tempomaat display function

    - Added a traction block indication to the MFD

    - New, up-to-date headlight functions including new high/full beam headlights - the headlights in the GTW are now based on the driver being in the cab. There is no longer an "off" position

    - New, up-to-date driver figure logic

    - Pantograph animation logic now much more efficient doesn t try to continuously animate pantograph every frame

    - Cab lighting now visible from outside when cab lights are on

    - New controls for passenger area lighting. Passengers are not present and wagons are now unlit when parked.

    - Corrected the cab braking / traction meter in Dutch and German versions

    - The second set of rear lights on the Capital Metro version actually function as brake lights in the real train added that functionality to the model

    - New local master destination list for all Dutch versions with massively expanded range of stations and messages, and destination pre-setting in the wagon number.

    - Added destination pre-setting to Thurbo, ODEG and CapMetro versions but they have their own custom lists of destinations



    Vielen lieben Dank für die wunderbare Strecke,gefällt mir sehr gut.

    Würde Dir statt nur warmer Worte auch gerne eine kleine Aufwanddsentschädigung zukommen lassen,habe aber kein Paypall Konto.

    Bei der Harz Strecke war so ein gelber Button zum spenden,kannst Du so einen auch für diese Strecke machen,dann kann ich das ohne Konto mit KK


    Liebe Grüße


    Es steht doch drin das es eine Alpha Version ist:


    Die Route wird als Alpha-Edition veröffentlicht, was bedeutet, dass es fast keine Dekorationen gibt. Der Grund für diese Veröffentlichung ist, dass Fehler und Mängel in den technischen Dingen jetzt gefunden werden und vor der endgültigen Freigabe der Route behoben werden können.


    Fahren kann man auf jedenFall schon und sich das mal anschauen.

    Da ich gerade in der frankophilen Phase bin,hab ich mich auch an der Strecke versucht,immer nur schwarzer Bildschirm,

    bis ich im Forum von RW Central den Hinweis gefunden habe,das man den TerLor Ordner umbenennen soll (Terlorbak bei mir)

    Jetzt funktioniert die Strecke einwandfrei mit 30FPS(hab ich als Limit),es fehlen aber natürlich die Signale.

    Aber zum schauen dieser wunderbaren Strecke ist es für mich okay.

    Für andere franzöische Strecken dann den Ordner wieder zu Terlor umbenennen.

    Bis jetzt hab ich noch keinen Sale dort gesehen.Es gibt aber ein Update:


    Update 1.0.1 ist Online - Einfach den Installer erneut herunterladen.


    • Fehlerbehebung bei Türen und Sounds
    • Fehlerbehebung MG Bremse (Funktioniert jetzt mit allen Loks - auch andere


    Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe auf RW soll man die alte Version löschen,

    Er wollte wohl auch noch eine exe machen.

    Ich hab jetzt die 5.3 gelassen,da das

    Repaintpack von Enzobouqet nicht mit 5.4


    Ich hab die Preloads in den AGC Ordner

    kopiert und kann den auswählen.

    Hab die 5.3 installiert weil die besser mit

    den ganzen Repaints funktioniert.

    Ausserdem gibt es bei RW noch einen

    Download für Preloads für den AGC,die

    hab ich auch in den AGC Ordner kopiert.