Beiträge von Norweger

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    I quickly learnt to cut power and use the train brake while on LZB, as the EP brake have noe effect at lower speeds (no more effect from the motors working as generators). A curiosity: The Norwegian EL-17 used bremseklotzen while using the EP brake. But this only for cleaning the wheels, not for braking. If I remember correctly, it used disc brakes for the EP part. And yes no smartphone. Should be a rather different word before "phone".

    Well. I did not do my maths properly, and tried to haul 10 SGNS from Innsbruck to Garmisch. I barely made it to Kranebitten, where I got fired! So, I had to walk all the way along the line down to Innsbruck, where I got drunk in a local bierschtube. Next day they called, and took me back in. With 6 SGNS, in autumn sun, I had a great trip to Garmisch, which cured my mountainous hangover.

    Since the 64bit upgrade (did a reinstall twice, actually), I have lost the mouse text when hovering over buttons in cabin, so I can no longer read what all those black buttons are for. This is a minor problem. Not being able to see what all those stupid symbols are in the Editor though... is a catastrophe to me. Makes the editor more or less useless.

    Does anyone know how I can get the hover (over) text back?

    I would recommend at least 6GB on your GTX 1060. Got myself the 6GB version a year ago, thinking "in case I get a 4K monitor later". Now I have that 4K monitor, and flow is fine both in P3D and TS, frame rate between 40-60 when being careful using lowest SSAA settings. I have found SSAA to be a "must" for both simulators, taking away jaggies on long, thin objects - like catenarys.

    Rest of system is:

    i7-3770K 3,5GHz@4,5GHz, 512GB M2 disc (5xSSD speed), 16GB RAM.

    Sending AI trains into the Puttgarten portal (ICE-TD) gives a lot of realism to Hamburg-Lubeck, as they leave Lubeck Hbf, pass through the harbour area, and disappear. What I see parked at Lubeck sidings is just fine realism. I also let trains come from this portal, by parking them just outside where the track ends, and sending them into Lubeck Hbf - und weiter. Have not had any problems as long as I set the Portal as end destination.

    I have an abnormally good hearing, which tests have proved again and again. Can be useful at work as a technician, but hurts more than it is useful. I worked 9 years with Norwegian locos, fault tracing, testing, driving them (the funny part) :D .

    I know all too well how bad the stromrichters sound from the outside, and when in the engine room. They do absolutely not sound as bad in the cab of for example the EL-17 (the E-120's sister loco), or the EL-18 (Re 460). The EL-18 is downright scaringly quiet in the cab - way to go.

    So either the modern locos have gotten worse regarding the high-pitched sound, or the TS locos (including vR) are way off. For example I love the BR 185, but simply cannot drive it for a long period as my ears hurts after a short while.

    Is there anything I can do to manipulate the stromrichter sound file? If the case, please tell me how. I have decent audio programs, so I just need to know where to find the files, and/or how to extract them.

    PS: Found some info in other threads, forgive for posting this (want to delete but can't). Got to do my searches in German ;)

    EDIT: OK, there seem to not be any special threads about this (in general) but if I'm wrong, moderator please delete this post. Meanwhile I found a solution. Being used to xml coding, I just changed a value in BR 185\Audio\Cab\Cab_Sound_Proxy.xml. The BaseVolume.

    <kLoud-cSingleSampleSound d:id="17781">
    <Name d:type="cDeltaString">Traktionsstromrichter End</Name>
    <IsLooped d:type="bool">0</IsLooped>
    <Priority d:type="sUInt32">50</Priority>
    <BaseVolume d:type="sFloat32">0.25</BaseVolume> (Original value 0.4 replaced with 0.25)
    <VolumeVariation d:type="sFloat32">0</VolumeVariation>
    <BasePitchShift d:type="sFloat32">1</BasePitchShift>
    <PitchShiftVariation d:type="sFloat32">0</PitchShiftVariation>
    <AttenuationStartDist d:type="sFloat32">10</AttenuationStartDist>
    <NoFutherAttenuationDist d:type="sFloat32">10</NoFutherAttenuationDist>
    <InstanceGroup d:type="ref">0</InstanceGroup>
    <Filename d:type="cDeltaString">virtualRailroads\vR_BR185_2_EL\Audio\Cab\Traktionsstromrichter-End.dav</Filename>

    See this for more info:

    If you doubleclick the marker (usually in front of your train), you can edit those properties anytime. It looks the same like the driver marker on top your loco, but with a different symbol on it. You may need to hold down your right mouse button and use the keyboard arrows to move around a little in order to see it. Usually this maker is right up my face when I start the editor, so I have to start by moving left or right in order to see anything at all :-p


    Looking very much forward to this scenery. Been around Hamburg, Bremen, Oldenburg, Varel, Wilhelmshaven in the 60's much, learnt how to love flat landscapes. Been over Vogelfluglinie several times (V200 and BR 216). Had a peek at freeware Oldenburger Umland, lovely stuff, but too much for me to install. Oldenburg is too much anyway, I always get lost in those city streets :)

    I have both. I love the sneer of the Konstanz-Villingen BR 189 (reduced vR) when zipping over the mountains, but hated the E-brake (which we in Norway call EP brake - elektro pneumatic; it is both regenerative and use computer generated output for the disc brakes at the same time). So I purchased the vR loco, got the same great sneering, plus instruments that behave like analog (even if coming from a computer), not on/off regulation like many tragic default locos. When going downhills (on AFB) with this one, I can lean back and have a cigar before Immendingen or Engen. I drive the 185 because the Railpool loco operates here in Norway, and the vR version is another pleasant surprise.