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    So, if I could be wild and crazy I would wish for long routes such as Koblenz - Trier, Hamburg - Hannover/Lehrte etc.

    But, to be a bit realistic: Updates for the current routes to TSW4 standard, upgraded sounds for several trains (Such as the Bombardier Dostos), extension for Dresden - Riesa up to Leipzig, new trains such as the Desiro ML (for Vorarlberg and for coming Austrian routes) or the Coradia Continental (Br 1440, for Dresden - Chemnitz).

    Another neat thing would be a way to generate your own buchfahtplans within the game, to make it more realistic driving without the HUD.

    Time to wake up now, I guess, and stop dreaming so much… ^^

    Updates to some older locomotives including more advanced features would be great. For example, an update to RWA's 1x16 and Desiro ML with ETCS system would be great. I don't know if its even possible or not, but it's one of my wishes for the simulator :)

    What the actual f... Is this the surprise of the year in the german TS community? I'm excited to see if they, like they have done with their latest freight cars, will release repaints and variants later on.

    A while back I found the issue and posted the solution in this thread, and for me it’s working perfectly fine with controllers from StillerTec hooked up on a Pokey-board. :)

    The issue is the internal naming of the actual controls in TS and you need to write the correct name in the Joystick Interface. :)

    Update: I explained it in post #769 and also attached a lever map for the 186 to work with the Raildriver & Joystick Interface. You need to use the following names for the controls in your lever map:

    Control Group
    Control Name
    ThrottleAndBrakePower Lever


    • v1.01
      • Fixed some HS behaviour
      • LZB should now end everywhere
      • Reworked adhesion model
      • SIFA should now work with ZUB
      • Todo -> some ETCS fixes

    A few, but seemingly important changes, has been made :)

    Remember, friends: Always stay humble and kind <3 Es gibt so vieles in Leben, das wir für Selbtverständlich halten...

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    Ich denke, auch wenn man vielleicht nicht die ganze Strecke fährt, ist die Strecke perfekt für Teilstrecken wie Wels - Regensburg oder Ingolstadt - Passau. :) Z.b. der Audi-zug von Ingolstadt nach Passau, aber ohne Szenariowechsel in Regensburg. Perfekt für den Vectron, der bei jedem Szenariowechsel neu aufgerustet werden muss. :)

    Aaaaand here we go about the joystick interface and the 186 again. You guys know what? It works absolutely perfect once you realize everyone (mostly me, that is) has done it all wrong. *sigh* I never realized it before but I realized it now, after being reminded of the issue. Boy, do I feel stupid. A total n00b... *shau*

    There is a parameter called "ControlName". I've used the wrong ControlName all the time without realizing it. After a little bit of research tonight, I found the correct values and entered them. And voila... The controls moves and the locomotive woke up from its long, long sleep. Kind of like Snow white beeing kissed, except kissing a locomotive would be weird. Anyhow... Here it is, a working Config-file. It's still very basic and could need some work with notches etc, but it makes the controllers move.

    After all this time, all it took was 20 minutes. Boy do I feel stupid... :lolx2:

    Sooo, basically what we get is four pair of doors an a couple of liveries… And they will charge us full price for it?

    Weeeell. Good thing it’s so simple to use Locoswap. I could pay full price if it did go straight to RWA and SHG. After all they really deserve it, but not DTG.

    //Rant over

    To be honest it doesn’t feel like the GPU is the issue here. It renders the graphics really well. In situations where there not as many trains, passengers etc the FPS goes up really high. For example, running Bremerhaven-Bremen I get up to 50-60 fps in the rural areas and around 20-25 on the bigger stations. Where as in Frankfurt for example the FPS drops right as I start adding trains into the scenarios or using rolling stocks that are known to be very heavy.

    But as many people here already mentioned, the difference between 4,6 and 4,9 ghz probably isn’t that big. I guess I’m better off just trying to overclock my current CPU a bit more. Temperatures are low enough at the moment so I should be able to squeeze out an extra megahertz or two.

    Thanks everyone for your answers *danke*

    Hi everyone. I’m running my simulator (some of you have seen it in the screenshot-thread) in 4K with the graphics set pretty high. However, I’m struggling with the FPS in CPU-heavy areas such as Frankfurt, Leipzig and Munich where there are a lot of trains at the same time.

    For now I’m on the current setup:

    i5 9600KF, boosted to 4,6 ghz, cooler with a 240 mm water cooler.

    ASUS Strix RTX 2080ti

    32gb RAM

    Gigabyte Z390 Gaming X motherboard.

    Question now is, would it be worth it upgrading the CPU? It’s a bottleneck at the moment, but staying with the 9’th gen CPU I don’t think I can get much higher than 4,9-5,0 ghz on the CPU.

    Would it be worth upgrading from the i5 to the i9 9900KF? Will the step from 4,6 to say 4,9 ghz make that much of a difference? What are your thoughts?

    To this day I have seen only one scenario including an EBuLa. It was for the ICE 4 on Berlin-Leipzig. I doubt that it would be worth the effort but that’s only my opinion.

    Just because there are no scenarios released with a timetable doesn’t mean people don’t use it. I’ve created plenty of them, both general for routes (I’ve even released a few packs) and also created train specific timetables for more or less all scenarios that I drive. I’ve just not released them….