Beiträge von Kim_olesen1

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    A little hello from Denmark. Ich würde sehr gern im Deutch schreiben aber wie sie sehen kann bin meine Deutch genau zu slecht und ihr wollen mir für doof halten. Mein Grammatik ist leider zu voller von fehler.

    So most of the time i’ll write in english, i hope you will forgive me for that. I understand German pretty good. It is just writing it correct that is a problem.

    I started playing TS in june after watching German führerstandmitfahrt videos for many many years, and teaching myself german signalling. I thought it would be more fun being in one than just watching it.

    I am the creator of the REAL DRIVES (you can find a thread about them elsewhere in the forum)

    In my daily life i am a musician/music teacher.
    Wenn sie melodisch metal magen werden ihr villeicht mein band Anubis Gate auch magen.

    One of my other nerdy hobbies is my love of pre 1945 Autobahnen because their architecture is so different. Lieblingsstrecke: Göttingen - Hattencacher Dreieck.

    Die Sorge brauchst du nicht haben. Es gibt gar keine Hersteller die so detaillierte Addons machen. Entweder weil es die eh nicht interessiert oder es nicht wirtschaftlich ist.

    Not yet. But as Parkinsons law says: work will fill out the available space. Meaning that if you put an extra lane on an autobahn it won’t take long before there is more traffic and the extra lane haven’t made a difference. And so with better cpu and ram. The programs just get more cpu and ram hungry.

    @Kim_olesen1 Windows likes to use anout 4gb?

    My windows 10 uses 2GB in normal using.

    We will wait what happens in the new version.

    In normal use yes. But sometimes background processes and backround maintenance can push that amount.

    But i am very excited about 64bit ts. I only have 8gb ram in my pc but will absolutely get 32gb. It is not even very expensive anymore.

    How the world have moved. I remember buying 4mb(!) ram for my Atarist1040. It cost me 4000 dkr (about 500€)

    Yes i am that old lol.

    Regarding ram. It is ofcourse good news that there is now practically no limitation to how much ram ts19 can use. But remember that there are probably many that do not have more than between 8-16gb ram. Windows likes to use anout 4gb so even if you have 16gb there is only about 3x the amount they now have available. And people with 8gb ram will not have much more ram available for the game than they have now.

    I am building scenarios for the DTG Mittenwaldbahn but damn the signalling is bad. But even worse is the indusi magnets which behaving strange on most of the route. The stretch ftom Innsbruck Hotting to Reith have so bad signal coding that i really can’t work with it.

    For me, half the fun is working the PZB controls correctly when i am driving, and i find it incredibly annoying when i get a zwangsbremsung even though i know i did everything correct.

    And i thought München Rosenheim was bad....

    Why have i made them: Because quick drives are too easy (green light all the way) and standard/carreer are static and only challenging once. Real Drives are endlessly challenging because the evolve and makes the railway feel organic and alive.

    I am working to get them hosted. They will be available at no cost! I made them because this is what i hoped TS was when i started playing it (which was 3 months ago) and i will share them with the world in the hope that people will find unpredictable scenarios just as much fun as i do.

    I will explain about the new scenario type soon.
    Btw you can answer me in German, i understand it pretty good, it’s just that writing in German would be a great injustice to your language haha.

    Imagine a standard/carreer scenario that CHANGES everytime you play it! But with the choices of a quick drive.

    In short, it is a scenario type where you are in quick drive mode but you will have red lights on your way. And everytime you play the scenario the red aspects will be in different points on the route. Sometimes there will be many, sometimes there will be few, but you will never know where thry are. Just like a real traindriver never really knows when he will have to stop at a red light. So it is a scenario that is different every time you play it!

    I just finished the Garmisch München drive and it has 256 possible permutations. There is AI traffic in BOTH directions. So you will have AI traffic on the other tracks (that is not new, some quick drives have a bit of traffic) and there is AI traffic in front of you and that is the new thing. Just like in real life you will have to wait untill the line ahead of you is clear before you have a green aspect.

    So imagine a standard scenario BUT with the twist that it CHANGES EVERYTIME you play it, combined with the freedom to choose your favorite train, season, weather and time of day and you will have an idea what i am making.

    They will be called REAL DRIVES. (Random Everchanging Active Line Drives)

    Currently these are the ones i have made:

    München Rosenheim
    Rosenheim München
    Lübeck Hamburg
    München Garmisch
    Garmisch München
    Kufstein Brenner via Innsbruck
    Kufstein Brenner (Innsbruck bypassed)
    Brenner Kufstein

    Hi there. I am working on a new type of scenario. I know that is saying a lot but i really am thinking outside the box. However all scenarios are German routes and each scenario has a little manual with things to pay attention to. I would love to have a German version of these small manuals, and while i understand German pretty good my grammar is terrible when i speak/write it. Would any of you be interrested in doing a bit of translation work? It wont take you long.

    We need to remember that 64bit processing is more efficient that 32bit. If you read the statement from dtg they are saying that you might get better performance too. They are not promising it but saying that it is possible.

    I work with cpu heavy audio processing every day and it was the same message we got when the program i work in was ported to 64bit. We are not promising anything but your performance may be improved. And the performance did improve. BUT not much with the first 64bit version, since porting a program can introduce unforseen bottlenecks. Over time, with subsequent minor updates, the performance did improve a lot.