A little hello from Denmark. Ich würde sehr gern im Deutch schreiben aber wie sie sehen kann bin meine Deutch genau zu slecht und ihr wollen mir für doof halten. Mein Grammatik ist leider zu voller von fehler.
So most of the time i’ll write in english, i hope you will forgive me for that. I understand German pretty good. It is just writing it correct that is a problem.
I started playing TS in june after watching German führerstandmitfahrt videos for many many years, and teaching myself german signalling. I thought it would be more fun being in one than just watching it.
I am the creator of the REAL DRIVES (you can find a thread about them elsewhere in the forum)
In my daily life i am a musician/music teacher.
Wenn sie melodisch metal magen werden ihr villeicht mein band Anubis Gate auch magen.
One of my other nerdy hobbies is my love of pre 1945 Autobahnen because their architecture is so different. Lieblingsstrecke: Göttingen - Hattencacher Dreieck.