Great. That means a can do a couple of REAL DRIVES for the route. You might even want to include them in the initial release (if so pm me)
Beiträge von Kim_olesen1
Will there be train consists in the blueprint folder? -
I am not into french routes. But it is good to know that new stuff is being developed for ts19. It shows that they haven’t abandoned the ts platform.
An interesting idea to use the workshop for that. I wonder if more joined routes will be made that way. Perhaps all routes starting in München.
The small update that will prepare ts18 for the big update is out now.
Looking forward to see what the bug fixes are.
The next step after 64bit would be true multicore support. That would make a big diggerence in performance.
DTG und vR sind sich in der Hinsicht recht ähnlich, als das beide schlecht für ihre Produkte recherchieren und jegliche Art von Kritik abweisen und dem Kunden die Schuld in die Schuhe zu schieben.
Personally i’ve had nothing but good experiences with vR i must say.
See McGermanyFans post. -
DTG has stated on their own forum that the upgrade will be free.
Villeicht ein bischen zu früh zum fragen, aber wie ist das signalisierung/pzb gelungen?
It is easy to fall into the trap of critisizing a content provider like Aerosoft for making content that pushes the limits. But really we should also be thankful because it is sometimes content that pushes the limits that makes developers (DTG) work on their product in order to make it work and take advantage of what current computers are capeable of.
Wirchlich wunderschöhn.
Me too. Always backup before upgrding. -
Gerade beim Start vom TS gesehen.
kann also nicht mehr lange dauern.The english version of TS has had this splash screen for 14 days now.
I am wondering if this will be released before or after the 64bit version. It is a long route after all.
Agree but only partly. I expect things like magnet/signals to be roughly correct. Having a zwangsbremsung when i am driving the train correctly really really annoys me. I can easily live with the route not being photographically correct, but signal errors is faulty gameplay and ought to be corrected with a patch from DTG.
Looks fantastic.
Agree with Berliner079. I understand the frustration of the developers of the route, but if it borders on the ram limitation of the 32bit version many will get dumps when playing it in TS18. Better give people a good start with the route by waiting for TS19 and have no dumps.
Anyway Freiburg Basel is autobuy for me, i don’t mind waiting for it.