strecke released
werbung 24,15 euro
strecke released
werbung 24,15 euro
Hmm, kiggede på billederne igen. Så du skal sige, at du er klar over, at det gamle hold tilsyneladende ikke længere arbejder på det. Og sandsynligvis kommer projektet nu fra Danmark ?! Dog finder jeg det delvist overtrækket, hvor mange skraldespande der er på en så lille platform ?! Skal der virkelig være sååå meget ved udbruddet ?! : D ... Selv i Stuttgart kan du være glad for at finde en skraldespand. Jeg får kigge på, når det er færdigt, hvis nogen vil lave en video ... Og derefter beslutte, om jeg vil bruge penge på det ... Som sagt, faktisk vil jeg gerne støtte den danske gruppe, lige bag i tankerne nødt til at støtte den gamle Riega med det ?! ... Selvfølgelig afhænger prisen derefter, især for ejendommene, designet er ikke som Constance Villingen eller Münster Bremen, Freiburg Basel ...
Tænk også på, at det gør det for meget arbejde. Det vigtigste er, at sporene er rigtige denne gang, og du har faktisk formået at bruge mindst Googleoverlay. Måske ville Westerland Husum ikke have været så katastrofalt ...
Would you descripe exactly what your mean about the stations?
Their have been added some new people to gbe team also. New 3d builder and testers but Rome was not build in one day.
Critics that we can use is welcome but the same GBE is bad und so weiter is not gonna help you or us.
I would love to get some info about the germany signalsystem. german building structure and that kind of stuff. Im currently working on marschbahn upgrade. But as more info i can get this better result.
Greatings Forcesius
Et 100 kmh skilt på landevej?
yes 100 km/h here. In northern Germany example about Flensburg and Fehmarn can you see this speed sign
Coming soon
Lübeck - Puttgarten
People is hard to get satisfied. But i will not argue. Instead all the time say GBE is shit or something like that. Then tell what is wrong or could be better like Prelli and thanx for it.
like we did about the Øresundstrain we made an update so we listen to people. When people say it looks like kuju or like that then point where and not the whole train. be specific or we cannot used it too improve.
I will also say at least we try to get the Danes happier. If we example made a free beta version. Then the payware version will not be sold in the same scale. Because people want things for free and will probebarly only use the beta version. So better to make a payware from the start and make an update.
But as i told. We listen and try add or change something. If you have info or insider knowledge then send it. As more you can help us this better result you get.
Stupid comments about GBE past and product is not relevant for this product.
Im not sure what you mean with this technic. The Best you can do is to sent the point that shall be changed or add it. And we will look at it:)
Tillman. Describe what is missing. Nothing can be change or add it before we know what it is:)
Alles anzeigenNej, lad os gå!
Intet behov for det.
Jeg fik den med X31K!
Ligner MSTS!
Jeg har ikke brug for det, jeg vil ikke have det.
hilsen * hej *
Have you the newest update?
DSB MR for sale now
I don't want to upload it here. This is a misunderstanding.
Okay whats your plan?
Pascal you have not ask for Permission. Sjællandsroute is not allowed to be upload it In any form. Only at
You make something that will be add it to the route seperate.
3 new scenario released to Sjælland route.
Can be found on
I cant sent you the City names for the Danish routes and show you railwaylines so you get the right places
Yes you´re are welcome to add Sjælland and Jylland on this map:)
I can tell for the moment. After the route is released i need a break from it before we add or change something. We have written some things down from this thread when we are ready to continue.
can be made if so.
Is there a person who know to combined routes. I have seen on steam example someone that have dont it with munchen - augsburg and munchen - rosenheim.
Greatings Forcesius
Mal was anderes um die Strecke interssanter zu machen:
You are agood developer of QD-Scenarios. What about some simple Od'S on this Route, to introduce parts which are interesting for not DK people.
Some on the elektrifies routes and some on the not elecrifies Routes.
Im not sure what you mean StS?
But i can tell there is released a quickdrive for our route:)
Maybe its a culture thing. Because in DK when its free we will give it a change. If we dont like it we simply just deleted it. Other things outside TS is the same way. We give things a change. Those that not give things a change there comment or what ever it should will not be valid from anybody. There is also a word for it here. But fair enough i dont agree and i dont want to argue it more. Different eyes on this. I hope we can agree all those people that make things to TS and use their sparetime to make something so other can be happy.