
  • hi, ...

    Wer sich für Raytracing interessiert und einen guten Freeware Render haben möchte sollte mal auf dieser Seite schauen.

    Die Renderengine ist mit 3,2 MB gewaltig klein aber sehr mächtig.
    Eine grafische Oberfläche beinhaltet sie auch.
    Ebenfalls gibt es unter Plugins.
    GmaX Exporter
    3DS MaX Exporter
    ...ebenfalls Blender.

    Was damit geht sieht man auf der Gallery des Webseite.

    greets ice

    Hier noch ein Kurzauszug..:


    Supported 3D File Formats
    - 3DS Format
    - OBJ Format
    - XML (internal) Format
    - KZX (internal) Format (Zipped XML)
    - SIA (Silo) Format (partially supported)

    Supported Image Formats
    - All supported by FreeImage library (JPG, BMP, PNG, TGA, HDR included)

    Supported Materials
    - Matte
    - Perfect Reflections/Refractions
    - Blurry Reflections/Refractions
    - Translucency (SSS)
    - Dielectric Material (with N-K File Support)
    - Thin Glass Material
    - Phong Material
    - Ward Anisotropic Material
    - Anisotropic Ashikhmin Material (with N-K File Support)
    - Lafortune Material
    - Layered Material (Additive Combination of the Above)

    Supported Shapes
    - Triangulated Meshes
    - Spheres
    - Planes

    Supported Lights
    - Omni Light
    - Spot Light
    - IES Light
    - Projector Light
    - Point Diffuse
    - Area Diffuse
    - Point Light Spherical Soft Shadows
    - Ambient Lighting
    - Sky Lighting (Physical Sky, SkySphere Bitmap - Normal or HDRI)

    Supported Textures
    - Constant Colors
    - Bitmaps (Normal and HDRI)
    - Procedurals (Perlin Noise, Marble, Checker, Wireframe, Ramp, Fresnel Ramp and more)
    - Any Weighted, Multiplicative or Functional Combination with Infinite Possibilities

    Supported Features*
    - Bump Mapping
    - Normal Mapping
    - Clip Mapping
    - Bevel Mapping (an innovative KT feature!)
    - Edge Outlining
    - Depth of Field
    - Absorption/Fog
    - Isotropic Volume Scattering
    - Faked Caustics & Translucency for Simple Ray Tracing Modes
    - Dispersion
    - Antialiasing (Texture Filtering, Edge Antialiasing, Supersampling)
    - Selection Rendering
    - Surface, Material and Object Instancing
    - Object and Light Grouping
    - Sun/Sky Portals
    - Multithreading
    - Network Rendering** (Unbiased Single Image Cooperative Render or Cooperative Animation Render)

    Supported Camera Types
    - Physically Based Camera (Pinhole, Thin Lens)
    - Perspective/Sperical/Cylindrical/Parallel Projection
    - Animation Camera (for walkthrough description)

    Supported Rendering Techniques
    - Classic Ray Tracing
    - Path Tracing (Kajiya)
    - Bidirectional Path Tracing (Veach & Guibas)
    - Metropolis Light Transport (Kelemen, Kalos et al.) on top of Path & Bidirectional Path Tracing
    - Photon Mapping (Jensen) (mesh maps, photon maps, final gathering, irradiance caching, caustics)
    - Diffuse Interreflection (Ward)
    - Depth Rendering
    - Mask Rendering
    - Clay Rendering

    Application Environment
    - Advanced Integrated OpenGL Stager
    - Advanced Integrated Material Editor
    - Easy Rendering Customization via Presets
    - Extension with User Created Libraries
    - Plugin System for Materials/Lights/Textures
    - Versatile Rendering from Simple Ray Tracing to Photon Mapping and Unbiased Rendering
    - Sun/Sky Customization
    - Instancing Brush/Population Tool
    - Script System
    - Command Line Mode (for the hardcore users!)