Geislinger Steige v.1.0 Unable to locate scenery items

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  • Can anyone tell me in which downloads the "fahrkartenautsilverv1" and "duarn_immeuble01" scenery items are located please.

    Thanks and regards,
    Steve Dymott

  • Hi Steve Dymott,
    the first, you are searching may be found at
    RailSimer´s Projekte

    the otherone is a part of the "foliage pack 01"
    from RSDL ;D


    Schotti *hi*

    Win 10 Pro, Intel I7-8700, 32 GB RAM DDR4-2400, 1 TB SSD Boot, Seagate ST 2000 Daten.
    nVidia GTX 1080 8 GB, AOC 28`` 4K Monitor
    TS auf separater SSD 512 GB nur mit deutschen Strecken

  • Dear mfg shortbart,

    I'm sorry Old Chap but there is absolutely no point in writing to me in german in the english forum.

    So please resend your message:-

    1) in english,
    2) in black type,
    3) without the use of words in capital letters in the middle of a sentence.

    Please do me the courtesy of sending a message as you would wish to receive one.

    The only word I can understand is the word "illegal". Until you post an english interpretation of your email, it would appear that you are trying to intimidate me in some way - a strange response to my initial request for help.

    Thank you and regards,
    Steve Dymott

  • hallo, shortbart
    da haben wir uns wohl beide
    vergallopiert. Das ist ein haus Duart-building 01. :D
    Den Link kann man wieder angeben. :)
    Ich war da mit meinen Blumenpack wohl so kompetent, wie ein Politiker.
    Einfach neben der Kappe-Entschuldige bitte ;(

    @ steve
    you may use this link from StS as well


    Schotti *hi*

    Win 10 Pro, Intel I7-8700, 32 GB RAM DDR4-2400, 1 TB SSD Boot, Seagate ST 2000 Daten.
    nVidia GTX 1080 8 GB, AOC 28`` 4K Monitor
    TS auf separater SSD 512 GB nur mit deutschen Strecken

  • Hello again Schotterman and StS,

    I have just spent some time with my german-english dictionary and think I understand what is happening.

    It would be appreciated if one of you would kindly send again the message with the link to the duarn_immeuble01 download.

    Let us hope that mfg shortbart does not remove the link for a second time and feel the need to send a message full of red type again.

    Thanks and regards,
    Steve Dymott

  • Steve Dymott:


    the "red message" was not adressed to you but to StS. It was a Moderation-Act, which is always in red letters so that anyone can see that another person has edit your post.

    In one Post Schotterman said that the duarn_immeuble01.rpk is from the Foliage Pack, what is Payware. So the Download via Filfront would have been illegal. But schotterman did a mistake, the download is not from the foliage pack - it is freeware :D

    I removed my Moderation and insert the Link again. It´s a big mistake from our site and has nothing to do with you :D

    We apologize for any inconvience, in future I will write the moderation in English, too :D

    P.S my name is not mfg shortbart, mfg is a german shortcut for greetings (mit freundlichen Grüßen) :D

  • Dear shortbart,

    Thank you very much for your expanatory note and for re-instating the link - and also for the explanation of "mfg".

    I've now downloaded the last missing item (and another five buildings on that website) and have run the scenario included with the Geislinger Steige v.1.0 route.

    My compliments to the author of that route - it's most enjoyable to run on.

    Thank you all for your help.

    Steve Dymott