BLS Cargo 'Die Alpinisten' RE485 | BR185 repaint
Well played well played.....
Klasse Paul, das haste superoberaffengeil gemacht.
1st i like your work and i agree how useful the repaints are...
2nd my oppinion is, that you better prepare all repaints and move them ito 1 package...(If permission set)
Anyway, the problem myself is further has nobody this and this repaint...especially when i want that BLS or Alpinisten Repaint is in my Szenario, i have to give to users many DL Directions...
How do you think about...?
The loco looks awesome!!!
@ Sandra: Danke,Danke
@ Andreas: Thank you!!I will do some work on the weathered version first because I am not completely happy with it. After that I will make the italian alpinisti version and then put all BLS RE485's in one Pack.
I expect to have this finished in a couple of days, is that OK?Paul
Hi Paul,
dont be angry or stressful...;)
It was my oppinion because i have many experiences with other creators...
Weathered or not...i dont mind. (Useful Feature)
I keep focus on straight folder structure...thats important for more than 2 repaints/artwork...
Take your time...as long as you need...;)
I look forward into your repaints...
Cheers from Germany...:)
No worries Andreas, I totally agree with you!
On each loco there is on one side "BLS Cargo. Gli Alpinist." and on the other side the same in German: "BLS Cargo. Die Alpinisten."
Funny: you have made your repaint in German, me completely in Italian (I stoped mine finishing in May)
When corrected I will take some very nice shots for you.Julian: Geh doch mal auf den Bahnhof und mache ein vernünftiges Foto von der Seite für uns.
Geh doch mal, kannste nich, mach doch..
Es ist halt so, dass die Chance in Basel eine Re 485 vor die Linse zu bekommen doch etwas geringer ausfällt als bspw. in Brig.
Sehr schöne Repaints, Danke
Awesome job man! I will wait for a proper all-in-one package since it looks promising