Changing/Replacing Tracks

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  • Hello

    This may sound silly, but I do not understand the main tutorial of RW_Tools on the of replacing tracks...

    I would like to replace rail from Seebergbahn to Ruhr-Sieg (complete the line).

    Please tell me step by step what I need to do.
    Everything I do by using RW_Tools, or necessarily is the game editor?

    Thank you in advance for your help!

  • Rule No. 1: Backup Tracks.bin or better the folder NetWorks\ .

    The normal Editor in railworks cannot do that. and you do not need RWtools (maybe it is possible) - by principle you decompile the Tracks.bin with serz.exe to Tracks.xml and edit it.

    Then you replace all entries for tracks with the tracks of your choice. The Problem is, that you often have to replace over several lines, as you have to replace provider and project, too. This can be done with a good texteditor like notepad++ or notepad2 or with the scripting language perl (i do it in perl, but if you have no clue about it then try it with an editor). You have to take care about capitalization. The entries for provider and project are case-sensitive, but the entries of the folders below the project and the name of the track have to be written in lowercase, even if they are uppercase.
    You should create a trackrule or use a trackrule which includes the tracks your new tracks. So you have to change every rule in the Tracks.xml, too.

    Finally you have to complile your new Tracks.xml back to Tracks.bin and hope that it worked.

    When doing this work you have to be very acurate otherwise you won't see any result. Write down all the steps for yourself if you haven't done this yet. The tracks might not be lost but invisible. It's better in that case that you start by new with your backup.


  • Hello 120.I did what you say but with notepad++ i cant replace multiple lines simultaneously.For example
    all this thing
    <Provider d:type="cDeltaString">RSDL</Provider>
    <Product d:type="cDeltaString">IslandLine</Product>
    <BlueprintID d:type="cDeltaString">RailNetwork\TrackRules\Island Line Track Rule.xml</BlueprintID>

    i want to replace it with this

    <Provider d:type="cDeltaString">aerosoft</Provider>
    <Product d:type="cDeltaString">koblenz-trier</Product>
    <BlueprintID d:type="cDeltaString">railnetwork\trackrules\vr_hauptstrecke_se_40_links.xml</BlueprintID>


  • There are two Informations in the Tracks.bin for each track piece.
    A) the Trackrule
    B) the Track itsself.
    Make a lIst which Trackrules are used und which tracks are laid with the trackrule, then crate a replacing strategie.
    You must have a plan wich Tracks you want to have. Then Crate Trackrules with this Tracks listed.
    Then Replace Trackrule and Track for each track piece.
    Notepad++ is able to replace Text-Blocks like above listed.
    Create an Testroute with ore than one Trackrule and more than one Track and test replacing threre.

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  • one question.If i have 1 trackrule for 2 trakcs for example in Isle Of Wight...if i change the first track i must change and the trackrule.....but when i replace the replaces automaticly the only trackrule for the new one....But i want to keep in the second track the old trackrule without changing it. How i can do this??

    How notepad++ is able to replace Text-Blocks???????????

    Again thanks

  • Thats the difficult thing, go though the tracks.bin and replace step by step, by searching for the not remaining Track.

    replacing Text blocks:
    notepad++ and Rw-Tools are able to replace Textblocks! not only one word.
    test by your self:
    Mark the Existing Textblock and click search at the Headline, in the following pulldown click Replace
    then copy the new Textblock into the the Replace Window and click replace.

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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von StS ()

  • When i click only replace the first period

    <Provider d:type="cDeltaString">Aerosoft</Provider>
    <Product d:type="cDeltaString">Koblenz-Trier</Product>

    <BlueprintID d:type="cDeltaString">RailNetwork\vR-HQ-Tracks\Gleis_Hk_ABd_DG_SW_RB_lb.xml</BlueprintID>

    it replaces only the <Provider d:type="cDeltaString">Aerosoft</Provider>

    The problem is that when i copy this
    <Provider d:type="cDeltaString">Aerosoft</Provider>
    <Product d:type="cDeltaString">Koblenz-Trier</Product>
    <BlueprintID d:type="cDeltaString">RailNetwork\vR-HQ-Tracks\Gleis_Hk_ABd_DG_SW_RB_lb.xml</BlueprintID>

    and paste it in the find field it only shows me the first period..
    So i cant work with only one period...I think..


  • misterious, it should be possible, may be in the deep of the Help it should be found.

    I test an other Method, search and replace with RW-Tools:
    Copy the Text blocks in the both Windows, here in both windows are the same for test, may be it's a method to prepare a changeged Textblock for the replace window and copy this one.

    benefit: you need not a serzed Tracks.xml, for safty you get .Bak files from RW-Tools. Later to be deleted to save HD space, if all is OK.

    Keine Hilfe und Auskunft per PN, da meist von allgemeinem Interesse. Diese Fragen bitte im Forum stellen.

    7 Mal editiert, zuletzt von StS ()

  • ---------------------------
    Saved log to...

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks\TempDump\

    Exception Code: 0xC0000005

    Exception Info: ACCESS VIOLATION

    Please contact our Customer Support Team at


    how i can overcome thiss??? or i did something wrong with the replacing???

  • Thank you StS.It really worked with RW tools!!!!!!!
    One question. When i change trackrules the manual-automatic junction object doesnt change to the new trackrules.Do you know how i can do this??

    Explanation: Manual-automatic junction object(this with the diagonal arrow)

  • So i try it in englisch.
    Manual Change
    in the editor, Cut the switch at the base ,
    Then set the right trackrule with the fitting switch-object, set the manual or Automatik switch tik.
    weld the cutted position.
    The Questions:
    The trackrules which you used for the replacing, have they the right Swich-object named in the Switch -section?
    Each switch has an section in the Track.bin, you can edit this there.

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    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von StS ()

  • Basic-Information, each track-peace has an section in the Track.bin with which Trackrule is used, which track is set with this Trackrule, which Switches, electrifacation are used.
    The trackrule here has more tracks listet, which you can select, but only the Tracks which are listet in the trackrule.
    But do'nt switch to Tracks, which are not listed in the selected Trackrule.
    If you want to switch to other Trackrules and there tracks. You have to edit the Tracks.bin. Make an Investigation first which Trackrules are used and which Tracks Listed in the trackrules, then make a plan which pairs you want to Exchange. Look for the switches and the electrification.

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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von StS ()

  • The Picture in Thread #16 shoes a marked peace of a track, if you select an other Track, so ONLY this marked peace is changed. Copy a route and try it by Yourself.
    For completes trackchanging you have to learn al lot of the TS internas. it's nothing for Beginnners!
    If You are able to understand German:
    Read here in the wiki the artikles about Gleiseigenschaften and Trackrules. Please read this Tread from the beginning on, there are a lot of hints.

    Keine Hilfe und Auskunft per PN, da meist von allgemeinem Interesse. Diese Fragen bitte im Forum stellen.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von StS ()