After a lot of failed attempts I now finally have a thumbnail created with RW_tools and there are now 2 files in my preload folder.
The picture however does not show in TS.
Some questions:
1. is 256x128 pixels .dds dxt1(alpha) 6 mipmaps correct?
2. where do I need to put my preload folder?
3. is the file called .bin correct? there is nothing before the '.' ?
My route is under a folder in routes (D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\railworks\Content\Routes\818293d9-fd02-4d8f-b63c-10496fea949d) and my preload folder is a subfolder here.
My .bin file points to the right location and name of the thumbnail pic.
I first thought that my preload folder needed to be under assets but that didn't work.
I have the feeling that I am almost there... Can anybody help me?