Snow on track in tunnel | Schnee am tunnelspur

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  • Hi/Hallo!

    When making snowscenarios I had snow on my tracks in tunnels so I changed the trackproperties to 'tunneltrack DE'. Now they show up in the trackmonitor as tunnels and the sound changes but...

    I still have snowywhite tracks in the tunnels! ?(

    How can I get rid of that problem?


    "It's not about perfection, it's about progress"

  • You will have to define your tunnel track without a winter texture.

    Inside the XML/BIN file of your tunnel track you will have to change the value from "[08]my_texture_name" to "[00]my_texture_name". This will prevent the game from loading winter textures.
    That's wrong. Here you will only find the supersleepers for junctions.

    Instead you will have to define a new loft object (tunnel track XSEC and tunnel track BIN) in which you will have to change the [08] to [00].

    Egal, wie weit Draußen man die Wahrheit über Bord wirft, irgendwann wird sie irgendwo an Land gespült.

  • Thanx again for your help Prelli!

    Getting further and further into routebuilding, I run into more and more problems and questions. Hopefully in a short while I can answer more questions than I ask on this forum :)

    Anyway: I did as you suggested and voilá!

    Another problem solved *klatschen*

    But... Can you maybe also tell me where I can make the track "Tunnel" so that is shows up as tunneltrack in the monitor? I used the standard SBB gleis 2 as a base for the textureless version so now it doesn't show as tunnel in the monitor... :S

    "It's not about perfection, it's about progress"

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von TrainworX ()

  • I did a short trip through the existing Tracks:
    there is a line:
    <isTunnel d:type="bool">1</isTunnel>
    I think you have a >0< in your track.bin.

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