'Something bad has happened...' error during scenario edit/play

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  • Almost ready with my 'Fantasyland' route I suddenly ran in to a serious issue..

    1. I create a scenario (standard) to drive a train with passengers around my route, stopping at stations for loading passengers.
    2. The scenario seems ok in the editor, also the speeded up test runs ok
    3. Driving the scenario for the first time causes a 'SBHH' error after about 5 mins, at approx the same point in the route
    4. When I restart the scenario the 'SBHH' error occurs even before the start of the scenario
    5. Going into the scenario in editor mode also gives a 'SBHH' error

    - I had no scenario issues before
    - I did do some changes to switches and signals but not in the area where the error happens and they all really seem ok
    - It only happens when I make a player train, NOT when I make NO playertrain and 'jump' into the train after the scenario starts
    - In free roam scenario no problems
    - tried different trains,cars,graphicssettings,memorychecks etc etc with no succes

    I know this is difficult to explain so if you have any more questions before you are able to help me please ask! I thought of making a video of the error but that won't probably help clarifying it..

    Can anyone help me with this? *denk*

    "It's not about perfection, it's about progress"

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von TrainworX ()

  • Hi,

    is it always the same loco-waggon or does it it also happen with different locos?

    Ironie, die

    feiner, verdeckter Spott, mit dem jemand etwas dadurch zu treffen sucht, dass er es unter dem augenfälligen Schein der eigenen Billigung lächerlich macht. (Duden Online)

  • So it seems to be scenario specific.

    Do you use any exotic scenario assets?
    Try to switch to another weather and/or season for testing purposes.
    Switch to day/night and vice versa for testing purposes.
    Avoid weird characters in names (marker, train, consist) like f.e. the german umlauts äöü or french chars éô, etc.

    Egal, wie weit Draußen man die Wahrheit über Bord wirft, irgendwann wird sie irgendwo an Land gespült.

  • You modified some positions of Signals or objects, was this during the scenario was running?
    The most Problems in this manner comes up, when somebody builts something with the building Editor, while the scenario is not in basis position.
    Saving then destroys often the scenario.
    A good way is: while running the scenario and you will replace or set an Object, STRG+E, then you see the house-Symbol marked, You are in the building Editor, BUT the Scenario is not stopped and set into basis position. So click on the Loco symbol (scenario-editor). The box comes up: "This will end the Scenario.." YES !!
    Then click on the house and build. Save with F2, Start, end the scenario, then restart the scenario from Scenario selection window.
    You should create the scenario new.

    Keine Hilfe und Auskunft per PN, da meist von allgemeinem Interesse. Diese Fragen bitte im Forum stellen.

  • OK, thanks for your suggestions. *super*

    I have tried some things you mentioned:

    I use only standard and SBB route assets.
    No 'strange' asset names
    I had actually already started to make some new scenarios from scratch just to get rid of any possible corruptions in the existing scenarios.
    The problem still was not solved (even with one loco driving to one destination...)

    So next step was changing the wheather and season to clear/summer. I started with a standard scenario, just the RE4/4 with final destination after the problem area.
    After editing: Save/start scenario - OK, immediately quit and restart - OK, drive scenario - OK, end scenario and restart - NOT ok!! SBHH error !? Restart from main menu - OK...

    Then I added a passengercar and a passengerload stop. Still working but with above issue of SBHH error when restarting the scenario after first succesfully running it..

    Then I added another passengercar and 2 more stops: Still runs OK but the SBHH error still keeps popping up now and then starting the scenario, not during the scenario however. Weird!!

    Now it really gets interesting:

    I changed the weather back to the original 'Wolken am horizon' (SBB route) because I thought that must have been the problem but.... It still runs OK with that weather too!!

    Now I am totally confused.. I don't have a clue what has caused the problem and although I can now run scenario's without crashing halfway through it is still a bit wonky because of the (random) SBHH errors restarting the scenario...

    I will probably spend some more time trail & erroring this to see if I can find the issue.

    If I find anything interesting I will let you know!

    "It's not about perfection, it's about progress"

  • This error could be caused only by a specific combination of several circumstances.
    I once found an error in a beta test route which was caused by a missing winter texture of the terrain textures. The SBH so only occured in winter and I first thought it has to be caused by the scenario.
    The same can happen with night and day textures or a combination of it, f.e. winter at night or rain in spring.

    Maybe you should use a combination of weather, season and a given time of day you can be sure about that this works guaranteed properly.
    So this might be a useful way to find the corrupt setting/file.

    But maybe it's just one more of the dozens quirks inside the TS, we will never going to be aware off :-/

    Good luck!

    Egal, wie weit Draußen man die Wahrheit über Bord wirft, irgendwann wird sie irgendwo an Land gespült.

  • Hahaha! I start to think so too! :lolx2:

    It's a bit of a 'problemchild' but as in real life still can't help loving it *eiei*

    Onwards to the next quirk...

    "It's not about perfection, it's about progress"

  • It also could be a problem if you change one or more Trackrules. Please Check it.
    Also Check the Track by Viewing in Track laying editor, if any Junction is correctly Weld. If not the RW-Dispatcher can not switch the Junction and you will get an SBH.

    By us there was the same trouble, we changed 5 or more Entrys in the Track.bin File and then we start the Track an many Junctions wasn´t correctly Weld.
    But we fixed that Probleme by Correctly changing the Entrys in the Tracks.bin File.

    Our Problem was that i has written the Product Folder in a wrong form.


  • Yeah, I have found out that existing scenarios often go belly-up when you change the trackrules or signals. Also a lot of my switches were bad causing erratic behaviour..

    But this specific problem occured even when creating a new scenario..

    I will now first make sure that my track is 100% ready before starting to make scenarios for it. It is almost ready.

    I would really like to share my route, just for fun but Simtrain won't let me yet... bummer ;(

    "It's not about perfection, it's about progress"

  • It's Fantasy Switzerland :D

    You can see some screenshots of the work in progress <HERE>

    It's a small route but quite heavilly populated using a lot of SBB route 1 assets. I started it for only one reason: learning!

    Work to be done:

    - Complete and check all signals and speeds
    - Change Stationnames on buildings
    - Complete oberleitung
    - Fine tuning of little things like floating objects etc.
    - Create scenario's

    And then, if Simtrain let's me share it, I need some testers 8) If I can't share it, well.... that would suck :(

    My next project will be based on an original route in Switzerland using Google earth decals and terrain files etc. The problem is that I cannot (yet) build 3D models so that's gonna be a challenge...

    "It's not about perfection, it's about progress"

  • There is no reason why you should ask Simtrain, but only if you don't add any assets from the SBB route to your installation package.

    Egal, wie weit Draußen man die Wahrheit über Bord wirft, irgendwann wird sie irgendwo an Land gespült.

  • I thought so too! But It seems that they even don't agree on sharing just the route info pointing to their assets.. I am in email contact with them about this....

    You could actually even make the point that sharing the route without the assets may increase their SBB route1 sales...

    We'll see....

    "It's not about perfection, it's about progress"

  • Maybe they misunderstood that point.
    If not, a consequence would be, that it would be not to be allowed to use railvehicles of this sbb route in scenarios for other routes. And that's nonsense.

    Egal, wie weit Draußen man die Wahrheit über Bord wirft, irgendwann wird sie irgendwo an Land gespült.

  • I agree. They probably misunderstood me..

    I also asked them if I could do some repaints of their railvehicles. That is obviously another question but they were gonna discuss it with the designer.

    Very interested in the reply...

    "It's not about perfection, it's about progress"