3DTrains: Rural Landscapes

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  • Ich habe leider das gleiche Problem, ich finde dies sehr unprofessionell gelöst. Bin sehr gespannt, wann ich freigeschalten werde.

  • Falls Du die Möglichkeit hast, Dir bei web.de eine Wunschadresse mit @email.de anzulegen, kannst Du für die Zukunft (Updates) das Problem einfacher lösen. Sie akzeptieren zwar keine @web.de aber die @email.de Adressen. Habe ich erst Anfang der Woche gemacht.

  • Hi guys,

    My apologies for typing this reply in English, as I don't speak German, and Google and BableFish do a terrible translation (I'll post a Bing.com version below). :thumbdown: I came across this post while trying to determine the jump in sales of my Rural and World Landscape packs.

    I can understand the frustration regarding having to register on my forums in order to obtain my add-ons, but it's the only system I have in place at the moment that allows users to access the downloads in a semi-secure manner. I used to provide direct links in email, but these were hared from one user to the next and quite often. The current system has been in place for 12 years, and has worked well for many of my visitors, the exception being non-native English speaking folk.

    The biggest problem with my download method is the registration process, especially when users have web.de email addresses. This particular email provider had the highest number of spam registrations and posting on my site, so instead of me constantly working to ban one email at a time (at least a dozen per week), I decided to ban all of web.de addresses. Of course, this is not good for the many web.de users who are not spammers, and for this I apologize for the inconvenience. :(

    Another issue is that my 3dtrains.com email is broken - I can send, but not receive email until after this coming weekend, and why I've asked new purchasers of my products to PM me on my forum. For this too I apologize for the inconvenience.

    FWIW, I try my best to serve my customers in a professional and timely manner. Please be patient while I work to smooth my system out. :)

    Marc - 3DTrains.com :prost:

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von 3DTrains ()

  • @Sommer Johann

    Vielleicht funktioniert es immer noch auf die Art? *denk*
    Hamburg-Hannover Deluxe
    Die Antwort dort auf meine Frage und meine Antwort wiederum ....

    Train Simulator, obwohl oft Ärger bringend, oftmals nicht mal mit ihm an sich, einer von dem man doch nicht lassen kann. Viele können nicht mal von Unterwegs von ihm lassen (Forum). Was nach meiner Meinung zu voreiligen Postings führt. Auch von Usern die selbst gegen solche schimpfen.