Munchen to Augsburg V1.1

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  • Hello All,

    Work still continues for the M-A route update. So here is just a picture update to show some areas.

    First pictures show the approach of Augsburg Hochzoll Bahnhof. Nr 1 picture is the original RSC route. Nr 2 picture shows the new situation.



    As you can see the speed limits are changed to the reallife situation. This means more signs along the line. Also, all Vorsignal will have proper Ne3 announcement signs. Placed as in reallife.

    In the third picture you can see Augsburg Hochzoll Bahnhof Ausfahrt in the direction of Augsburg Hauptbahnhof. Note in the original RSC version there are Ausfahrtsignale around Hochzoll while in reallife they are not present, well at least not that close. (Nr 3 RSC Nr 4 M-A v1.1)



    Nr 5. Shows the situation near Pasing Bahnhof. Picture is made in the direction of Munchen Hauptbahnhof. As you can see, RSC modelled the old situation where the Yard on the left was protected by Sperrsignal. Nowadays the Yard ausfahrtsignale are KS-signale. As you can see all these signals have both a solid Zs3 and Zs3v both indication 40 km/h this is the situation just like in reallife. Nr 6 shows the new situation



    Thanx to Schuster who made a special script for KS-signals with a Solid Zs3v these signals will react prototypical. This means a flashing green light instead of a steady green light.

    Another update will follow soon.

    Help is always welcome!



  • Hello FrankBouwhuis

    It's nice that you have decided to change the signals in Munchen-Augsburg. Keep it up. I'm curious to see your work finished. *dhoch*

    "Wenn ich erstmal Generalfeldmarschall bin, dann... werde ich dafür Sorgen, das alle Frauen im Militärdienst Miniröcke tragen!"

    -- Oberst Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist)

    Meine Zao:#1#2

  • :thumbsup: super werk frank

    I cant wait til the finished result im looking forward to that stage.
    you replace the signal to schuster signal? or only a couple of signals ?..
    i probaly have photos from pasing for you with the new ks signals located, i only have to search it here.

  • Hey Fopix,

    I'm replacing all signals. Well not actually replacing them. Not only am I only using Signalteams new H/V and KS signals, I'm also placing them at the correct position and with the correct layout (as long as there is enought information regarding the signals). Streda.X site of DB-netze is a real good source of information although not all maps are up-to-date and some lay-outs are missing information. So I'm using photo's and video's to check if the signals are placed correctly and where speedlimits are. I could really use to photographes of Munchen Pasing because the DB-netze maps are still showing the old H/V signals and there are not much recent photo's of Pasing Bahnhof.

    I also hope somebody could help me with the correct Buchstaben voor the Zs2's around Augsburg and Munchen (Pasing). I can derive some information from the video's but not all information about the Zs2's. Especially around Augsburg there are alot of them. Also standalone Zs3 indicating if you have to stop short (indicating a "2") or if you are entering a dead-end track (indicating a "3"). I'm trying to simulate them as much as I can.



  • Guten Abend to all, i'm Alex from italy, a really enthusiastic fan about german train\route true \ simulated...i follow this important topic but i see that isn't news about the works...someone know if the autor is continuing this project??
    All stopped?
    Thanks so much and very compliments for your Forum:)

    OT: Sorry if i write in English, but i speak\read\write very little Deutsche language!

  • Hello,

    I'm still working on this project. Nearing completion. The reason it took a little longer that expected was the lack of signal information around Munich Pasing bahnhof and Olching. Olching is still a blind spot. There aren't many video's and maps covering that part of the route.
    Luckily, DB Netze updated the charts of Munich Pasing to the most recent signal layout. I'm now working hard to place all the signals there.



  • Ich weis ja nicht in weit du das Umbauen willst, aber mir ist aufgefallen das die Harlekin 500Hz Magneten an stellen Scharf sind (Zb. Einfahrt München HBF: Vmax 90, Hauptsignal Fahrt mitVorsignal Langsamfahrt erwartet, nächstes Signal Zeigt Vmax 60, und der 500 Hz magnet (der eigentlich nur bei Vmax <40 scharf sein darf) haut dir ne Zwangsbremsung rein, trotz gedrückter PZB Wachsam Taste) wo sie nicht scharf sein dürfen, bzw unnütz Platziert sind. Und viele viele ZS3v und ZS3 fehlen.

    Sorry wenn es schon irgendwo erwähnt war, englisch ist für mich wie ne Frau zu Analysieren :P 8)

  • Many Thanks *jippy* *jippy* FrankBouwhuis, for your answer and for your wonderful job that you are doing,
    May i do another question? you're using the last version for two signal type (Ks and H/v)?..Now we have the wonderful version H/V signal 2.2 and KS 2.1

    Best Regards

    Alessandro S.

  • [...] und der 500 Hz magnet (der eigentlich nur bei Vmax <40 scharf sein darf) haut dir ne Zwangsbremsung rein, trotz gedrückter PZB Wachsam Taste) [...]

    Dem 500er ist es relativ wurscht, ob du Wachsam Befehl oder deinen Hosenknopf drückst ;)


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