[HRQ] ES64U Taurus (1016/1116/1216)

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  • The sander in not active at the beginning, it's at 0 (off) position.
    "At the beginning the circuit breaker is on, it should be off." i know, it will be set to that, see how many people will start to complain about that

    Why they should complain . Railworks is an simulator and all about doing things that you need to do in real life ! if they complain than they need to play arcade games and no simulators!

    driving to slow is not really a penalty. driving to fast is = penalty(emergency brake is more an penalty ;) maybe you mean that like that? they call it restriction). pzb is all about safety and on time braking . there are the speed limits for so the train stops on time and not on a junction behind an hauptsignal.thats why an freight train have lower speed limits than an regular lighter train. most German trains are able to stop before an haupt signal on every speed limit that an pzb give as an train driver dont aknowledge that. there are probaly exclusive situations. cause by weight of an train etc

  • Which i don't understand, is what's the point of the restrictive mode, if it's activated when you drive with lower speed than the permitted?

    For example, your speed is 54 km/h after 1000hz in 55 mode. Then you stop, and the restrictive mode gets enabled, and now your max permitted speed is 45 instead of 55? After the stop you will have lower permitted speed than before?
    But if you hold the 54 km/h then you won't have more restriction (except if 500hz is still active)?
    This is forcing you to drive faster and not slower.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Alextma ()

  • If the train halts, or travels for at least 15 seconds at less than 10 km/h, while either of the 1000 Hz or 500 Hz speed control is still active, the applicable speed limit is lowered by 20 km/h, we say it becomes restrictive. A restrictive 500 Hz-induced speed limit is maintained for the next 200 m, if the restriction is activated until 100 m after the 500 Hz magnet, for the next 250 m otherwise. This is to ensure that a train which has halted before the main signal, e.g. at a platform stop, can only accelerate to a speed that still permits the train to stop short of the danger point, should it detect the 2000 Hz magnet, i.e. it had run the red signal.
    text from this website !!

    take some time for reading manuals and instructions. the guys give you also information look on that website ?

  • Für mich ist Donation-Ware, dass man spenden kann aber nicht muss. Also verstehe ich das richtig das dieser schöne Taurus nicht auch Freeware ist? Denn ich habe leider keinen Download-Link auf der Seite gefunden und habe nur von "You want donate!?" gelesen. Ich würde gerne die EM Loks repainten ...

  • now currently the pzb works like this in 85 mode:

    1000hz: 85 start blinking(zugbeinflussung sound), you have 4 seconds to press wachsam which enables the 1000hz light, and you have 23 seconds to go below 85 km/h, if this happens the 85 stop blinking.
    If you stop, or go below 10km/h for 15 seconds, the restrictive mode get enabled, with 45 km/h max speed, and the 70 and 85 lights are blinking.
    After 700 m the restrictive mode get disabled, the 1000hz go off, and the 85 will start blinking, and with Frei the speed restriction can be lifted.
    If 500hz comes then 500hz is light is enabled(another zugbeinflussung), the 85 will blink until you lower the speed below 45, and get disabled after 250m or when you pass a red light.
    If you slow down like above, the restrictive mode get enabled, the 85 and 70 start to blink, you max speed is 25 km/h.
    You can stop emergency braking by pressing frei.
    You can pass red signal with max 40 km/h pressing befehl continuously.

    Are these correct?

  • No.
    Passing a 1000mhz: No sound or blinking until wachsam too

    You can press pzb frei on wechselblinken too before 700m when signal is green
    85 doesnt stop blinking when slowing down enough!
    Zugbeeinflussung sound on Befehl too!

    You got the right Zwangsbremsung Sound now?

  • "Passing a 1000mhz: No sound or blinking until wachsam too"

    Then where does the driver knows that he should press wachsam? And if it's like this, what's the point of the sound?

  • Hm,bin ich in einem deutschen oder englischen Forum? *denk*

    Eigentlich schon. Der Autor des Taurus ist aber unserer Sprache nicht mächtig und da es sich hier um ein Gespräch unter Content Autoren um die PZB Funktionalität handelt, können wir da zwei Augen zu drücken.
    Schlussendlich trägt das zur Verbesserung des Produktes bei.

    Gruß, Jim

  • "Passing a 1000mhz: No sound or blinking until wachsam too"

    Then where does the driver knows that he should press wachsam? And if it's like this, what's the point of the sound?

    The driver presses Wachsam when the Vorsignal is not Green and on Speed reductions and on Langsamfahrstellen.
    The Sound just says that the System has recognized your Pressing. This can be a Beep on older Vehicles or witj
    H Sprachausgabe it's Zugbeeinflussung.

  • Or said in plain german: Der Lokführer zeigt, dass er wachsam ist (also das Vorsignal richtig erkannt hat, indem er die "Wachsam"-Taste drückt.

    Der restriktive Modus wurde eingerichtet nach einem schweren Unfall in Rüsselsheim, wo ein Lokführer nach dem Halt am Bahnhof einfach losgebrettert ist, ohne auf das Signal zu achten. Er war also klangsam gefahren und hatte sogar gehalten, aber nicht wegen des Signals, sondern wegen des Bahnhofs. Der restriktive Modus zwingt ihn dazu, entsprechend langsam auf das nach dem Bahnhof kommende Signal zuzufahren.
    Quelle: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/E…fall_von_R%C3%BCsselsheim


  • Restrictive mode is implemented, will be uploaded.
    Also the blinking not blinking, and zugbeinflussung are done (and the zwangsbremsung sounds), TR button, and coupled trainbrake.

    Off engine/Circuit breaker at the start, can't be done:
    It's set to OFF by default (the game don't cares)
    It's set to OFF from script 3 different places (the game switch it back on, as you touch any control)
    For some reason RSC don't want to start the game with switched off engine... or it's just a bug.

    I've tested the default signals and PZB magnets, and are heavily bugged:
    HP signal PZB magnets without VR, are sending 1000hz, while it should be able to send only 2000hz.
    If you pass a red signal, it sends not only the 2000hz, but 1000hz too if the next signal is not green.
    This means, if you pass a HP signal vithout VR, it's better to watch the track monitor, and if the next signal is not green press wachsam. Also if you pass a red signal with befehl, and the next signal is not green you need to press wachsam. (or the best solution is to press wachsam everywhere where you see pzb magnet :D )
    However the PZB system of the taurus should be compatible with the vR modded pzb magnets, maybe those are work correctly.

  • Wow, thank you for fixing these bug's I've mentioned :)

    Still some errors.
    - When you exceed the target Speed you CAN NOT press Free to get out of the emergency brake! You will be braked until 0 !

    Passing a red Signal:
    - You Press Befehl, There is NO light and Sound Until you pass the Signal. Then The light appears and ZUGBEEINFLUSSUNG will come up :)

    - The Zwangsbremsung Sound is way too fast. Right is: Zwangsbremsung....................Zwangsbremsung....................Zwangsbremsung....... etc. Not like ---ZwangsbremsungZwangsbremsungZwangsbremsung. With a brake between.
    - When I'm already in a 1000 Mhz Beeinflussung and I pass another Yellow Signal, there must be a Zugbeeinflussung too !!
    - And shouldn't there be a Zugbeeinflussung on PZB Frei too ?
    - The brakes run better now, but the LEVERS have to be coupled too. When I press Ö Then Airbrake AND E-Brake must go back. Not only the first lever :)

    Oh and I see you used my circuit braker sound? :)
    EDIT: 2 PZB Errors.
    First I drive over a 1000Mhz, I press Wachsam but when I drive over 85 now I get a Zwangsbremsung (1s after pressing Wachsam, I should have 23s to get under 85 and then I should get a Zwangsbremsung!)
    Second drive over a 2000 Mhz magnet, I press Wachsam but I get a Zwangsbremsung a few seconds later. (I am driving 20 km/h!),

  • "There is NO light and Sound Until you pass the Signal."

    That doesn't makes sence. If it's work like this what is the point of the light and sound? (however i don't know why i try to find logic in PZB, if there is no any, but that's a routine because of the other logical warning systems)

    "When I'm already in a 1000 Mhz Beeinflussung and I pass another Yellow Signal, there must be a Zugbeeinflussung too !!"

    There is, if you press the wachsam, and if it was really 1000hz with pzb magnet.

    "The brakes run better now, but the LEVERS have to be coupled too. When I press Ö Then Airbrake AND E-Brake must go back. Not only the first lever :)"

    I don't think so, i never heard anything about this, also taurus drivers aren't noticed this.

    "First I drive over a 1000Mhz, I press Wachsam but when I drive over 85 now I get a Zwangsbremsung (1s after pressing Wachsam, I should have 23s to get under 85 and then I should get a Zwangsbremsung!) "

    You have 23 seconds, so you have not used wachsam in time, or you are accelerating (if you are below 85 and you accelerate over it, then brake will be applied, you have 23 seconds only if you are over 85 and you're decelarating).

    "Second drive over a 2000 Mhz magnet, I press Wachsam but I get a Zwangsbremsung a few seconds later. (I am driving 20 km/h!),"

    Could not reproduce it. If i pass a red with befehl, and and maintain the speed, and wachsam in time i never get zwangbremsung.

  • That doesn't makes sence. If it's work like this what is the point of the light and sound? (however i don't know why i try to find logic in PZB, if there is no any, but that's a routine because of the other logical warning systems)

    But that's the way the PZB works. Same with Wachsam. There's no light and Sound until I press Wachsam too. What would be the point of hearing a Zugbeeinflussung Sound + Befehl40Light while I am not driving over a 2000 Mhz?

    There is, if you press the wachsam, and if it was really 1000hz with pzb magnet.

    No there isn't. See this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtKdWvwlqoA&feature=youtu.be ( by the way, the sander is in Position 1 on the 3P OEBB like Chaoz said!) Here you see that there is no Zugbeeinflussung and the BEFEHL 40 Error!!!

    I don't think so, i never heard anything about this, also taurus drivers aren't noticed this.

    Well, I don't think you've ever been in a Taurus? The levers are coupled. If you want one only you have to press one lever down and they are uncoupled now until you press them back at Standard position. I have seen that myself. I have moved the brake lever by my own hands. See the video above we were talking about. Same on the video.

    I mean think logic: Now Ebrake+Airbrake work together but only one lever is pulled back. I mean logic is that the Ebrake lever has to be pulled back too as it brakes, too?

    only if you are over 85 and you're decelarating).

    Right, my error. Sorry.

    Could not reproduce it. If i pass a red with befehl, and and maintain the speed, and wachsam in time i never get zwangbremsung.

    Here's a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtKdWvwlqoA&feature=youtu.be
    And a second one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJwsuZsZ3nI

    Wait did you say Wachsam too? You DO NOT need to press Wachsam for driving over a 2000Mhz! Only Befehl <40km/h !

  • "by the way, the sander is in Position 1 on the 3P OEBB like Chaoz said!"

    not in 1 position, but in center, if it would be on 1 position, you should hear it's sound. Anyway you can move it and see the real 1 position. Actually the texture in not matching, as the numbers should be 1 0 1

    "If you want one only you have to press one lever down and they are uncoupled now until you press them back at Standard position."

    Then press it down, and move only one in game, good luck for that. (it's not possible, as you can animate one thing once, so you can't animate a button on an animated lever thus there is no button)

    About the videos:
    The second yellow probably don't sends 1000 hz, you can try it by not pressing wachsam. Probably because you placed the link of the pzb magnet wrongly! If no zwangsbremsung, then no 1000 hz.
    I did it too, first i put the link of pzb after the signal's link which is WRONG, then no 1000hz then i moved back behind the signal link, and voila, 1000 and 2 zugbeinflussungs. OR you have not set the direction of link correctly.

    "Wait did you say Wachsam too? You DO NOT need to press Wachsam for driving over a 2000Mhz! Only Befehl <40km/h !"

    You DO need, if the next signal after the red is not green, as the bugged default pzb magnets sending a 2000hz AND a 1000hz in same time. Read the manual that is written in it.

    Now after debuggin (writing the messages to a file, some things became clear).
    Red signals sending 2000 in default. But IF you press TAB (SPAD) they will send 1000hz instead, even if they remain red.

    4 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Alextma ()

  • But after the red signal there is no more signal and I did not press tab. It's working with a vR Loco w/o Wachsam.
    I just wanted that you couple that stupid levers,offcourse I do not want to press it down.

    But you can at least make it that they are coupled when pressing Ö. Because they are in real.

    I'll check that with the Magnet tomorrow, I am sure i putted the link before the signal.

    You fixed that light+sound on Befehl now to work only after driving a 2000mhz?