Das eine schließt das andere nicht aus.
(* Ganz tief duck und ganz schnell weit weg *)
Das eine schließt das andere nicht aus.
(* Ganz tief duck und ganz schnell weit weg *)
Danke für die Antwort, dann war das ja Zeitverschwenung die ganze Zeit an den Knöpfen rumzuspielen.
Dann hoffen wir mal , dass HRQ das schnell gerade biegt..
Gruß Kevin
Hallo Leute!
Wann kommt reale Führerstand für BR 1216, 541, 183?? Es ist sehr seltsam, wenn man Reihe 1216 mit dem Führerstand von BR1016 fahren muss.
Führerstand ist in Bearbeitung. Dauert alles seine Zeit. Sieht bis jetzt aber sehr gut aus.
Zwei weitere Bilder:
da bist du wohl weiter als ich.
Ich glaube entweder er macht Urlaub oder antwortet mir nicht mehr über E-Mails
Mir antwortet er auch schon lange nicht mehr.
Vermutlich haben wir zu viel Kritik geübt und er ist jetzt beleidigt.
Ich glaube auch.
Selbst neue Sounds habe ich ihm geschickt. Aber Antwort? Fehlanzeige
Hm, vielleicht kam die Ungarische Razzia vorbei.
Nein Spaß.
Wir wissen ja nicht ob er sie sich durchliest und halt nur nicht zurück schreibt
as you can probably see somewhere above in this thread, I have always been quite dissatisfied with the basic cooling sound of the Taurus (the one implemented back in May). I extracted a completely new sound sound from a Taurus video and mixed it with the startup and shutdown sequences from the HRQ file with some further polishing. I was not very satisfied with the result as - although it sounded quite alright in the sound editor - it had its flaws when played directly in the simulator.
However after testing the sound for quite some time I finally think it may not be that bad and this sound certainly lacks the "aggressiveness" of the HRQ one. I attach it here, if you have a chance to test it out and post your opinion here, that would be great. To install, just overwrite (and backup first!) the cool.dav file in Assets\HRQ\Taurus\Audio.
P.S. Due to limited file size uploadable here I downsampled the file to 22khz, if you'd be interested in the 44khz version, please let me know. However I do not believe there's a huge difference in quality between the two.
This cooling sound is AWESOME!
I think it sounds great. Nice and subtle and more like the real thing. Now all we have to do is to get rid of these horrible scale sounds which sound nothing like the real Taurus and then I would be a happy man
I extracted a completely new sound sound from a Taurus video...
I hope it is your own video or you have been granted permission to use that sound. Otherwise we would have a copyright issue, as the sound is part of the copyright of that video you are ripping sorry extracting from.
Now all we have to do is to get rid of these horrible scale sounds which sound nothing like the real Taurus and then I would be a happy man
Same here...
I hope it is your own video or you have been granted permission to use that sound.
it is not. Rest assured I fully realized this was not clean, however I simply do not think anyone should have a problem with taking several second sample from a video recorded in public that is then run via some filters, changed to mono and mixed with another sound.
Moreover at first I never intended to spread the sound (not to mention sell!), I first wanted to test it myself and then (being unsure if the result was OK) I asked people here what they thought.
On the contrary, I am not a lawyer, but I agree this is not 100% OK of course. Funny part is that while I searched for the original video to make an attempt to contact the owner I discovered the author was most probably a well-known forum member Taurus0815 who already (without asking me!!! ... just kidding, I feel honoured, naturally ) integrated my sound into his sound update downloadable here.
Taurus0815, is it yours? If so, are you OK with what I did? The video is here.
And another question - would you have some other samples I could try?
Thanks a lot.
Ich find den ''Neuen Sound'' schonmal ganz lecker
Hier mal nen doppelmakro ...
vielleicht lässt sich ja daraus nen super makro zaubern ?
Sorry that i doesn´t ask you .
Yes it´s my Video and you can use it and all my other Videos In the future I capture more Sounds, on the 20th September i will drive a Train and i record some Sounds inside the Cab.
My Name in the Forum: Taurus0815
On YouTube: TheTaurus0815
friendly wishes Taurus
Ist zu überteuert hätte ich gesagt
Great, all settled then!
No worries, I did not mean it when I complained you had not asked. No problem at all, it is your sound anyway.
BTW, hat off, I was going through many taurus videos and yours had the best sound quality by far.
If you could take more samples from inside the cab as well as new ones from outside on your Sept 20 journey with the same quality, would be fantastic! What a shame HRQ cannot make separate internal / external sounds!
All the best and thanks again!