Scandinavian/EU Trailers for Fopix3D Sdggmrss wagons

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  • Scandinavian/European Trailers for Fopix3D's Sdggmrss wagons now available from

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  • :thumbsup: they are great ocvn, did you see i already use them with the ones from paul in my video, allot of fun all that mixed trailers.

  • Ähm... Error 404 - Error Page not Found...

    Schade, wollt se grade runterladen!

    Eisenbahner im Betriebsdienst - DB ZugBus Regionalverkehr Alb-Bodensee
    Baureihenbefähigung: 111, 146.2, 147, 218, 245, 401/402, 407, 425/426, 611, 612, 628.4, 650

  • Sorry about the link not working, I have updated it with the new one ;)

    The locomotive is a norwegian Traxx locomotive called CE119 that I repainted last year, it was supposed to be released over half a year ago, but has been delayed by RSItalia …

    Yes Fopix, I have seen it, and its cool to see that you have used it in your promotion video for Br 218 :)

    yes afcourse already made advertise on your work. also don that for paul / dw agency his work. hopefully allot people come to 3d tog to enjoy your community and work.

    thanks for that :)

  • Huj, dort gibts ja auch einen älteren Rangier-Hobel der durchaus auch als "Deutz" durchgehen würde, vergleichbar zur OHE und anderer dt. Privatbahnen ...
    Ah das gute Stück ist ne NOHAB…isik_T43_214_i_Nassjo.jpg , die Rundnasen sind hierzulande ja auch gut bekannt (in Belgien/Luxemburg/Ungarn waren sie ja im Streckendienst)

    EDIT: ocvn

    Sorry, sorry again this our German ... you are fully rigth translators are full of funny and absolutly wrong translations, but in this case it is not so important ... I just discover your nice shunter and it has many similarities to comparable engines from Deutz odr MAK common on Germany private railways. I will test your engine soon and again congratulations to your models (e.g. I would be very intersted on repains for CFL/SNCB and MAV of the beautiful "round noses". Best Uli

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von DerTRAINer ()

  • Ah das gute Stück ist ne NOHAB

    Sieht fast aus wie die T43, die hat auch so einen Längswulst auf der Haube. Übrigens ist die T43 ne super Lok, nur innen ist sie was spartanisch ausgestaltet.

    Augenblick mal...

    Aber das ist doch eine T43... wieso schreibst du NOHAB? *doofglotz* *denk*
    Egal :)

    Egal, wie weit Draußen man die Wahrheit über Bord wirft, irgendwann wird sie irgendwo an Land gespült.

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Prelli ()

  • Sorry, is there something wrong ? Neither I or Google Translate can make much sense of your german ?( Only thing I understand is that you are talking about T43 and Nohab AA16 or something, and that the cab in T43 is rubish. If you want the AA16 "Rundnasen" you can download different Norwegian version here and here ;)

    To everyone: Comment in any language, but if you want me to help you, please write in english, and I'll do my best to help you :) … and post pictures if you want :)