black forest route

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  • Wonderful Pictures... How long is this amazing route?

    Greetings from Me

    Eisenbahner im Betriebsdienst - DB ZugBus Regionalverkehr Alb-Bodensee
    Baureihenbefähigung: 111, 146.2, 147, 218, 245, 401/402, 407, 425/426, 611, 612, 628.4, 650

  • Great modells of trees. Looks very amazing and realistic.

    In many routes most trees are simply to small in my opinion.

    Egal, wie weit Draußen man die Wahrheit über Bord wirft, irgendwann wird sie irgendwo an Land gespült.

  • yes thats true i think that the moste old trees are smal inside the assets. but can you imagin that the pine trees are allot higher inside america. higher than my versions. but i miss it inside railworks.

  • Jau her mit dem Stoff fopix! cool bin selbst oft genung unter der Kylltalbrücke durch, na angeblich bastelt ja jemand an Trier-Gerolstein durch Kylltal, schöne Strecke, super auch die Tunnelportale!

    Absolutely rigth, sometimes it is really much more feasible to do certain abstraction and if you can see some bridges, portals (ok or even station buildings like of Kyllburg) it could be much more interesting to have it on an fictonal route.
    Well it's nice to see how good you know (and love) this forested landscape between Aachen and Trier (Eifel) or the Ardennen or the Mosel valley (the Triere Dom from SAD is remarkable as well) and this area was/still is covered by interesting railways. So thanks in particular for your contribution!

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von DerTRAINer ()

  • hi hochwald .

    the base of the tracks are trier gerolstein i also wanth to lay it a littlebit more in the way to kall for the big eifel climb. around kyllburg are allot realistic details i know it there but the main tracks stay fictional. dificult for me to make it a realistic route like real situations. so its a littlebit mixed :P real details and fictional. fun part of this single line are the real details between the fictional. littlebit of sight seeing

  • the main line that i call black forrest is far more to the south from trier. this single line also go to trier but start afcourse inside the eifel. stil im dont know if i slice this single line from the black forrest as seperate route. its possible.

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von fopix3d ()

  • Hello Fopix3d,

    I'm looking forward to your new track ... Kudos to you.
    However, I think your track a little bit boring because of the looks
    so green out, because I lack a bit of color. On the other hand, I find the trees, the bridges and the environment created by the roads really well.
    Keep up the ...

    Greetings from Karlsruhe.


    Eisenbahner im Betriebsdienst - DB ZugBus Regionalverkehr Alb-Bodensee
    Baureihenbefähigung: 111, 146.2, 147, 218, 245, 401/402, 407, 425/426, 611, 612, 628.4, 650

  • haha boring. and than we know that the kyltal is allot greener in real live. moste time you drive between the trees there.

    I dont think you have time to boring your self or sleep behind your desk ;) if you try that im shure that you wake up with an train inside emergency brake or something like that. allot of speed restrictions on your pzb. sharp corners . parts where you climb or go down. so allot of braking and on time braking or you miss your station. im shure you are allot busyer than the koln route or hagen siegen.

    so drive on this with expertlines or my own trains later ;) lets see how expert you are :P this route is only for experts ;)

  • I only mean... i don´t know... I found it´s a littlebit colorless. I would like to drive with your Trains... and the route is wonderful but a littlebit colorless.

    I´m sorry for that.

    Eisenbahner im Betriebsdienst - DB ZugBus Regionalverkehr Alb-Bodensee
    Baureihenbefähigung: 111, 146.2, 147, 218, 245, 401/402, 407, 425/426, 611, 612, 628.4, 650

  • Thank god,

    Tastes are different, i would love to drive on your route. *ja*

    Ironie, die

    feiner, verdeckter Spott, mit dem jemand etwas dadurch zu treffen sucht, dass er es unter dem augenfälligen Schein der eigenen Billigung lächerlich macht. (Duden Online)

  • so here some summer screenshots with the new sky and clouds were im working on.

    i have to tweak the winter time and fall . some screenys below with some diferent cloud effects. also the dynamic light behavior of a complete day sicle is reworked.also the sun position corrected on europa summer time. calculate from earth position inside gerolstein,so the sun stands almost on the right position inside the seasons. later i show some time lapses inside dif seasons. sadly the azumeth valuas are not correctly working but i made a solution to make an little object with the correct degrees. this helped me to calculate the sun inside railworks. to read on a old romany way wath time it is :P by shadows.

  • I like the new sky... and the stars on the night-sky looks absolutely great. This is the right color. It looks much better than before.

    Nice work fopix.

    Eisenbahner im Betriebsdienst - DB ZugBus Regionalverkehr Alb-Bodensee
    Baureihenbefähigung: 111, 146.2, 147, 218, 245, 401/402, 407, 425/426, 611, 612, 628.4, 650

  • Hi julian

    Preformence on my system: core i7 - 8 cores / nvidia 570 gtx super clocked / 12gb ram are around the 30 40 fps. on the bussy parts. with tsx on aa 8x ingame settings highest level.

    i think not bad but i wil also test it on a lower range videocard. i dont promise super fast preformences on low end computers. on this moment it dont look bad.