Track Rules - "MaxCantAngleDegrees" value

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  • Hello!

    Can the "MaxCantAngleDegrees" value be changed in the route rules of an existing route? I would rewrite the value in the Track Rules .xml or .bin files.

    Unfortunately, I set this value incorrectly on a route and I would like to correct it. The route is half finished, but I want to build it further with the new values.

    Can multiple Track rules be applied within a route? E.g. 120 km/h for a distance of 0-30 km, later 80 km/h for 30-50 km?


  • 143er Ist das eigentlich korrekt, dass für jede unterschiedliche exakte Wertekombination von Länge l, Endradius r1 und Überhöhung u eine eigene Trackrule erforderlich ist oder gibt es da eine intelligentere Variante?

  • Wenn eine vorbildnahe Trassierung angestrebt wird braucht man das so ja. Selbst dann bleibt noch ein Rest Ungenauigkeit dabei, weil real jede Kurve einzeln trassiert wird mit den entsprechenden angepassten Parametern.

    Kann man sich natürlich einfacher machen und gröber abstecken. Zum Beispiel nur 40/60/80/100 usw. eingeben.

  • Yes it is possible to use Severin Track rules within one Route.

    Well I used more than one track rules on a map before, and then I couldn't create scenarios, the scenario editor just dropped a "Multiple Track Rules" error message. Are you sure about this?

  • the scenario editor just dropped a "Multiple Track Rules" error message.

    I never heared this failure before. You can use more than one Trackrule in one Route. eg.. for Different Speed and different tracks, electrification or not, different minimum radii ....

    There must be an an other "mistake" in your Route.

    Keine Hilfe und Auskunft per PN, da meist von allgemeinem Interesse. Diese Fragen bitte im Forum stellen.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von StS ()

  • I never heared this failure before. You can use more than one Trackrule in one Route. eg.. for Different Speed and different tracks, electrification or not, different minimum radii ....

    There must be an an other "mistake" in your Route.

    I think we are not talking about the same thing. To use different speed, modify electrification and use different radii you only have to edit the track propeties (which you can edit it on the right side of the screen), while using different track rules you change it on the bottom left side at the dropdown menu to another.

    Also, here is a topic that describes exactly the same thing as I am:…Vaw1wHKrB2SrXLfcPZmR_3wT_

  • modify electrification and use different radii you only have to edit the track propeties

    If You want you can work this way. But this is the badest working you can do. Allways marking the Tracks in the editor, or editing the Properties goes often wrong, because, you often did mot mark a little section at the end of an trackpart, then you have to edit this aigain, this may be very difficulty.

    Better you habe some trackrules available by building the Route. The marking and editing should be the last work, if you forget to edit the propeties by laying or so, or you will change something.

    Give the Trackrules good names, Mainline with LZB max 250km electrification, Mainline max 160km electrification, or 50km-Diesel, or 10km-Rusty Switch right for seldom used, then you can set the the spezifik switches, Automatik, Manuel with or without lanterne and lever left or right ...this not editible in the properties!

    Then you can chose the Trackruleset by building, you need not always check the properties.

    How to use (different) Trackrules:…en/#5-Trackrule-verwenden always set the filter!

    Keine Hilfe und Auskunft per PN, da meist von allgemeinem Interesse. Diese Fragen bitte im Forum stellen.