A scenario setup problem

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  • Hello everyone, I have compiled a relatively complex scenario task, which is to assign an AI freight train to arrive at a certain station(for example,it has arrived on the arrival/departure track of the marshalling yard or the track of the shunting yard and the track of the container trans-shipment/reloading yard), and then uncouple the leading locomotive from the rest, namely that the freight wagons of the AI freight train. Next, the locomotive of the AI train will go elsewhere; After that, the player's locomotive starts off and couples with those freight wagons. After many trials, it has been proved that this is generally feasible, but the reverse is not feasible. That is to say, I set the uncoupling/detaching command to let the player's locomotive uncouple/detach from the freight wagons, then I set the coupling/attaching command again to let an AI shunter locomotive couple/attach with/to these freight wagons in the editor of scenario,this means after the player's locomotive has detached from the freight wagons, it seems that it is always impossible to succeed in coupling the AI shunter locomotive with those freight wagons to form the new freight train to proceed in the game/it seems that it is always impossible to succeed in attaching the AI shunter locomotive to those freight wagons to form the new freight train to proceed in the game - at this time, a dialog box appears on the screen, displaying an error message, saying that the AI train collided with other trains and maybe derailed near a certain longitude and latitude site/locale, then quits the user/player interface of the game; When an AI freight train arrives at the station, I set the uncoupling/detaching command to uncouple the locomotive from the AI freight train, and then I set the coupling/attaching command again to couple it with another or several freight wagons in front of it on the track, but this is always unsuccessful at the end/but this will never be successful at the end. That is to say, at this time, a dialog box appears on the screen, displaying an error message, saying that the AI train collided with other trains and maybe derailed near a certain longitude and latitude site/locale, then quits the user/player interface of the game; I want to observe the uncoupling or coupling behavior and other driving characteristics of AI trains by setting the Railfan Mode scenario perspective, or show the operation scenario of a busy freight station or marshalling yard in the Railfan Mode scenario perspective, so I specially arrange the following AI trains driving behavior or running characteristics: An AI shunting locomotive conveyed/hauled some freight wagons together,the AI shunting locomotive can take those freight wagons to a certain track in the shunting yard,then uncouple from them/detach to them,meanwhile or later,another AI long-distance or mainline towage locomotive continues to deliver these freighr wagons to its destination,or vice versa,that is,when an AI long-distance or mainline freight train arrives at a shunting yard,the original hauling locomotive is uncoupled/detached from those freight wagons,and another AI shunting locomotive can couple with or attach to them and they will be sent to their final destination - the varying certain tracks of the shunting yard or the various tracks in the surrounding area, but this is always unsuccessful at the end. That is to say, at this time, a dialog box appears on the screen, displaying an error message, saying that the AI train collided with other trains and maybe derailed near a certain longitude and latitude site, then quits the user/player interface of the game; In order to test the steering in place, that is similar to a car U-turn on the road, I set the scenario that after a passenger or freight train arrives at a station on the way to its destination, it needs to change direction to its final destination, so it can uncouple/detach from the original carriages or wagons-a rake of carriages or wagons, thus it will go to the other end by going through the adjacent track at the station. At the other end, it can couple with/attach to the original carriages or wagons, then it will continue to go to its destination at last, but this will never be successful at the end - at this time, a dialog box appears on the screen, displaying an error message, saying that the AI train collided with other trains and maybe derailed near a certain longitude and latitude site, then quits the user/player interface of the game. Here, please analyze what is the reason for this. How to realize the idea that after the player's locomotive has uncoupled from/detached from the wagons, so the AI locomotive can successfully couple with/attach to those wagons to continue its journey on the road. I hope that the master/genius can give a feasible way to successfully realize this idea ultimately. I'm looking forward to your reply for it here. Thanks a lot in advance. See you. Good luck

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    So it is. ||

    Its a very poor simple programming. For KI-coupling the TS uses the original positition of the Consist saved in the Szenario-Datas. Later Moving is not saved, so the position is unknown.
    You can Move from loco to loco by clicking on it, then the other loco is KI.

    Give your Player Train a long time to wait and the Ki-Train a long waiting time and then the tasks to do the work after driving around.

    So klick on the KI-loco, Drive around, then click on your Player Train.

    That is a difficult work to create the Taskssteps and Timing, that you have enough time to do this.

    Keine Hilfe und Auskunft per PN, da meist von allgemeinem Interesse. Diese Fragen bitte im Forum stellen.

  • That's it,ahaha!Could you tell me it is possible to realize or achieve what we've talked about above in Train Sim World/ Train Sim World2020/ Train Sim World 2 programs?! I'm looking forward to your reply here. All my best wishes to you. See you. Good luck

    Besides, can you predict that whether or not DTG Studio/Workroom can improve the Railworks/TrainSimulator programs to achieve the situation that we've talked about above ultimately?! I'm looking forward to your reply here. See you. Good luck

    5 Mal editiert, zuletzt von OMSIfan () aus folgendem Grund: Merged a post created by OMSIfan into this post.

  • I have no knowledge about TSW 2 programming, there ist no Editor, only a simple scenario creator for Trains from A to B.

    The TS is now at the End of Development. I do'nt belive, that Somebody will do more.

    DTG will concentrate his Work for TSW 2 in Future. May be that gives more Features in Future.

    Keine Hilfe und Auskunft per PN, da meist von allgemeinem Interesse. Diese Fragen bitte im Forum stellen.