[Waggonz] Class 87

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  • Waggonz entwickelt schon seit ein paar Monaten eine Class 87.

    I think we're now at a point (bar a few smoothing issues) that we are happy with the exterior 3d model, almost all liveries have been finished and we will now start sorting out separate TS Blueprints for everything.
    Here's a quick render of the NSE Class 87 minus decals as they will get added in 3D Studio.


    Ich gehe davon aus, dass die Class 87 über den AP-Shop verfügbar sein wird (ähnlich wie bspw. bei der Class 90, Class 456, Class 313, Class 314/315)

  • Finishing touches and scenarios are all that remain to be completed for our forthcoming Class 87 Locomotive Pack.

    With the modelling handled by Waggonz and the rest by us, this pack is a comprehensive representation of the 87's time on British rails. From the nameless cross-arm pantograph locomotives of the early days, to GSM-R fitted InterCity Swallow liveried 87002 with Locomotive Services Limited, no stone has been left unturned.

    Stay tuned for more screenshots and information!


  • On 12th August 2000, InterCity Swallow liveried 87005 'City of London' approaches Carlisle with 1C20 15:33 London Euston - Carlisle. At the time, this was one of the final survivors in 'ICS' livery. It was also one of the few services where Mk2s were booked to work this far north.

    Another John Dean scenario from our forthcoming Class 87 Locomotive Pack.


  • komax

    Hat das Label von in Entwicklung auf erhältlich geändert.
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