Question for route builders: colour of distant terrain in 2d weather.

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  • Lately i have wondered about if it is possible to change the colour of the distant terrain in 2d weather.

    The newer RSSLO routes have brown distant terrain, but as soon as i install the AP weatherpack (meaning copying the AP TOD files into the TOD folder of the RSSLO route), the distant terrain turns light blue. Looks ok in daytime, but morning and evening it looks awfull.

    But that make me wonder: If RSSLO can make the mountains brown in their 2d weather, then it should be possible to mod the AP weather to do the same.

    But how?

    Ich bin der Musikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand.

  • nobsi

    Thanks for the reply. I hope you have a little patience with me here. Totally new to the blueprint editor.

    I am having troubles finding that xml file. For Rsslo routes, would that be the DistantPatches.bin located in the contents-“route id”-terrain folder?

    When i try to open that file in blueprint editor 2 (using the “open with”) i get this error: see picture

  • This file (Distandpatches.bin) is the result of an blueprint process. Basis is an xml in the source-folder.

    You need a Source.xml or you have to create your own one with the blueprint editor.

    The data Filestructur ist totally different to an TS.bin --> Serzed to an .xml file.

    Keine Hilfe und Auskunft per PN, da meist von allgemeinem Interesse. Diese Fragen bitte im Forum stellen.

  • For Rsslo routes, would that be the DistantPatches.bin located in the contents-“route id”-terrain folder?

    No, that's part of the routes distant terrain.

    The texturing blueprint is not in the route content folder, but located in some of the routes ASSET folders, usually in a "environment" subfolder, e.g.




    If in doubt, you can look at the routes "RouteProperties.xml", it contains the asset path of the texturing file in the <TerrainBlueprint> section.

    If you don't want to create your own texturing blueprint from scratch, you need to edit the "RSSLO_Default.bin" with RWTools, or SERZ it to get a .xml File and edit that with Notepad++ (or similar text editor)

    As StS said, the structure of an original blueprint source xml and an asset xml created from a bin file is completely different, you cannot edit an asset xml with the blueprint editor.

  • StS  nobsi Danke sehr :) I think i am beginning to understand a bit with the combined help of both of you. I still have some way to go, but now i have an idea where, how and why.

    So far, so good.

    Ok. So here is what is really really strange.

    Installing the AP weather pack overrides the values set in RSSLOs DistantTerrainColour settings.

    I don’t understand how that can happen.

  • TomB absolutely it changes something. I can even prove it.

    Before installing AP weather, the distant terrain is brown-ish in RSSLO routes. After installing it, the distant terrain is light blue.

    What i want to know is why this happens, and how to change this behaviour, since i find mountains radiating blue in the evening to be more awful than any piece of vegetation RSSLO has ever made.

    But maybe there is a clue in your reply anyway. Going to take a look at what AP weather puts in the Kuju folder.


    I tried changing the values for DistantTerrainColours but the changes didn’t have any effect. Which ofcourse means i am doing it wrong.

    Ich bin der Musikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand.

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Kim_olesen1 () aus folgendem Grund: Merged a post created by Kim_olesen1 into this post.

  • TomB absolutely it changes something. I can even prove it.

    Before installing AP weather, the distant terrain is brown-ish in RSSLO routes. After installing it, the distant terrain is light blue.

    This happens in QD, right?

    This is not the distant terrain feature. It is from the QD weather file, haze or dust.

  • TomB yes in quick drive. But you actually gave me the solution, or led me on the way to it.

    It is RW enhancer that makes distant terrain light blue.

    See the difference?

    Must be an incompability between AP weather and RWenhancer.

    I will write to the RW enhancer support.

  • In fact there are three things in your settings maybe not compatible: - RSSLO ToD

    - AP weather in QD (and ev. Szenarios)

    - RW Enhancer

    AP Weather does not allways work with propietary ToD files, especially with RSSLO scenery. I have replaced the ToD files in all content with the AP ToD files in order to use the AP weather without any graphic problems.

  • You mean copy all AP TOD files into the Time Of Day folders of the routes. Yes i’ve done the same.

    I am narrowing the incompability with RW enhancer down to a couple of settings.

    To be specific it is the fog enhancement in RW enhancer that makes distant terrain go blue/white.

    You mean copy all AP TOD files into the Time Of Day folders of the routes. Yes i’ve done the same.

    I am narrowing the incompability with RW enhancer down to a couple of settings.

    nobsi  StS  TomB

    Thanks for pitching in. Eventhough the error was somewhere else, i learned a lot about TS today.

    Resume: If you have AP weather TOD data copied to the routes, the “fog enhancement” parameter in RWenhancer will make distant terrain look almost white/light blue.

    Ich bin der Musikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Kim_olesen1 () aus folgendem Grund: Merged a post created by Kim_olesen1 into this post.

  • Kim_olesen1

    Hat das Label gelöst hinzugefügt.