Delete file in home screen.

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  • Hallo

    There is a possibility to intervene on the TSW2 files in order to delete the routes that do not interest me from the home screen (such as BAKERLOO, SPG and the UK and USA routes included with the Rush Hour), so that I can only view the routes that I interest?

  • I answer myself.*lach*

    I asked this question to DTG and this is their answer (in case it might be of interest to anyone).

    "Steam does allow the player to disable certain DLCs, but not that which is part of the core game including Baker loo Line, Sand patch Grade and Aachen to Koln.

    To manage your DLC:

    Open Steam, Library

    Navigate to Train Sim World 2

    Right-click, Manage, Properties, DLC

    Untick desired DLCs.

    Re-tick to install.

    Please do not disable anything you do not recognise as they may contain vital assets for the base game".

    So, after purchasing "Rush Hour" (in summer), everyone can decide which of the three routes to install.

  • No. You don't get what I'm saying. You're wrong.

    "Improbabile. L'intero DLC di Rush Hour sarà una grande scatola, puoi comprarlo tutto o niente. Fonte: nessuno. Una mia ipotesi semi-istruita."

  • My hope would be as "Standard download size reduction" is on DTG's roadmap and after this has been implemented in the future we can choose on which routes to install. So to the discussion above, i don't see this coming with Rush Hour but as a general update so in the future there might be options to install only what you would want. At least if I understand that point from DTG correctly, it might mean something else.

    Ein Herz für die Eisenbahn in England

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von zero909 ()