[K-Trains] BR 186

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  • When the loco is completely dead and not the player train (like in a free roam scenario). The SA will come up of your last country choice and . Can this be changed to no SA up?
    For example the RWA Taurus doesn't do this and stays completely down.

  • haveing trouble setting up a sandwich mode train do the double loco set up but the front doesn't talk to the rear loco also can't find any wagons that have UIC control unless I'm just been really stupid also Kal000px can you send me a another download link and tie my order to my account as didn't make a account when I paid for the addon (order number:753)

  • TheLaRiche does this do engine even it it is marked as dead in editor?

    yourBritishidiot note about UIC is there because not every wagon in TS does support consist messages. That is problem for sandwich mode train, it can be used only with wagons that support consist messages. Unfortunately, there is no present way to tell this instead of trying it out. :( Check Your email, I have resent You mail with link.

  • TheLaRiche does this do engine even it it is marked as dead in editor?

    yourBritishidiot note about UIC is there because not every wagon in TS does support consist messages. That is problem for sandwich mode train, it can be used only with wagons that support consist messages. Unfortunately, there is no present way to tell this instead of trying it out. :( Check Your email, I have resent You mail with link.

    Kal000px yeah received this email thanks and in regards to UIC control just keep trying a bit of trial and error

  • Kal000px Hi, could you please advise how the Mirel test is done? I am using the fast startup, I am in phase 3, press Shift-6, the MIREL is in a D1 test state, but nothing else happens... is there anything else one must do?

    As I have been using the fast startup till now, I realize the question is actually more general. The manual states, I quote:

    "It is neccessary to do all function tests. First do all tests for safety systems (Mirel / ETCS)."

    However it does not detail how to do this, only consequently how to perform the ETCS brake test. How can I execute the ETCS (and MIREL) functional tests? Thanks!

  • jstange Mirel D1 test should be described in Mirel manual (link should be in Traxx manual), briefly:

    • Deactivate and activate cab
    • Reverser forward
    • Reverser 0
    • Reverser backwards
    • Fully apply and release loco brake
    • Mirel emergency brake
    • Mirel second emergency brake

    ETCS brake test can be done either on front display in Special/Test/ETCS Brems-test or on left display via Bedien/Prufen/ETCS Brems-test, it can be done only if You have 5 bar in brake pipes and >=8 bar in main reservoir

  • Thanks for this clarification. I looked at the MIREL manual but this is in Czech (and is 60 pages long). So it would be great if this additional information regarding the D1 test could also be included in a future version of the 186/386 manual.

  • Actually it's not Czech, it's Slovak!! ;)

    But I agree at least some of the MIREL information could be included in the manual directly.

    Kal000px Thanks a lot for the info, will try it out! Didn't occur to me that the simulation would be so precise that a real MIREL manual could be used as a guide!


    Kal000px Hi, did you remove the MT 386 018 from the main pack? I just performed full reinstall using the latest 1.02 and this one is missing...?

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von jstange () aus folgendem Grund: Ein Beitrag von jstange mit diesem Beitrag zusammengefügt.

  • TheLaRiche does this do engine even it it is marked as dead in editor?

    Than it indeed stays down. But when you assign a driver to it, the SA comes up when it's not selected as player driver.
    Example in the picture (RWA 1016 is next to it as reference. This loco is not selected too and both SA's stay down).

    More something I was curious about why the SA of the desired country comes up when the loco is not selected as player train.

  • Neu runterladen. Dann ist die 018 wieder da und die 019 weg.:)

    Thanks! And I did not even need translation for the "019 weg" as the meaning of it is well known from the now world-famous "Merkel muss weg" ;)

    But seriously..yes, the version is still 1-02, but the file is different indeed. So everyone should redownload to be sure they have the latest version...

  • Ich würde mir noch eine bessere Erklärung zu den Freeware-ETCS-Triggern wünschen. Bei mir wird nach dem Überfahren sofort eine Zwangsbremsung ausgelöst, irgendwie verbaue ich die falsch...


    Ich vermute dass du eine ETCS L2 Einfahrt bauen willst.

    Ich habe dies so gelöst (auf eigener Strecke):

    Bei der Bahnhofsausfahrt wird ETCS L1 aktiviert (mit den L1-Schild), danach ein Spurwechsel für die Hochgeschwindigkeitsstrecke nach diesem kommt ein „ETCSL2Pre“ also eine Level 2 Ankündigung diese muss vom Lokführer mit Enter bestätigt werden, es wird eine Verbindung zur Leitstelle aufgebaut (notwendig für ETCS L2) nach 30 Sekunden steht die Verbindung.

    Also musst du den Level 2 Start mindestens 30s Fahrzeit (mit maximal erlaubtem Tempo) weiter hinten aufstellen, dann kannst du mit Level 2 weiterfahren.

    Der Grund für die Zwangsbremsung ist dass deine Lok zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht „Level-2 Tauglich“ ist, da die Funkverbindung fehlt. Siehe dazu mein Video (Aufrüsten und einfahrt in Level 2 Strecke)

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  • Wow, what a "nice" surprise... yesterday due to the 018 disappearance I was installing the loco multiple times using previous and the newest installer...now I that I want to install the "latest" 1.02 I am getting an error that my license key was activated too many times. This is certainly something I would not expect if you keep installing on the same PC... this means that an update installation is a new activation??


    So choosing "Patch" instead of full installation seems to work. The bad news is that I was deleting the whole Kal000px content and chosing full installation every time I was patching before to be sure my installation was clean. Perhaps this is what caused it, but if so, it would be great to have a _big_ warning about this within the installer!!! Now I guess I won't be able to install the loco on my second PC when I finally get to it :(

    Sent a message to the dev, hope it can be fixed.

  • Giruno93

    Achso, also muss man erstmal L1 Trigger verbauen, ich hätte das Problem gehabt das man den Levelwechsel von NTC auf L2 nicht quittieren musste.


    Is it possible to switch from NTC direkt to ETCS L2, it seems so that it is necessary to be in L1 to switch without malfunctions to L2.

    For example if I use thr PreL2 and then the L2 Trigger, I don't have to acknowlage the switch to L2.

    I looked it up on the ZUSI Wiki and there it is stated that you have to acknowledege the transition from NTC to ETCS Level2. I hope you can fix that in the next Update.

    Best regards


  • jstange I´ll put a warning there. ;)

    Pietmaniack That should be possible by using a marker. You first need to put marker advising that there will be a change to L2 at least 30 seconds in front of the transition marker. That is so ETCS will connect to RBC (that takes up to 30 seconds). That will be shown as a small icon in lower left corner of DMI. If ETCS will not connect to RBC and still transition to L2, it will automatically switch to Trip.

    What exact malfunctions are You talking about?

  • Kal000px

    It should work like this, but it doesnt.

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    6:30 Später Einstieg - Late Entry

    On my Route I have placed the PreL2 Marker and about 1:30 min. travelling time later the L2 Marker, but I don't get to acknowledge the transition from NTC to Level 2.

    If you want I could send you my route as an example.