Problem with unrealistic TimeofDay

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  • Lately I noticed I've been having a lot of issues with TimeofDay, something I didn't notice before.

    On most routes including for example Berlin-Leipzig, when I have scenarios, free roams, quick drives or whatever other mode set in whatever season but especially in summer time, it gets dark and looks like sunset around 5:30 pm-6pm or so even though it's summer and it's sunset around 9:30 pm in Berlin in real life. The worst is probably on IKB3 where it's already dark around 5:30 p.m. during summer time!!! I will post below some pictures so I can illustrate what I mean. They were all taken between 5:30 pm and 7 pm and it's way too sunset-like and dark for it to match real life settings. What can I do to modify this? I tried modifying the AzimuthAngle but it didn't help.

  • You can correct The Sun rising and the Sun set time in the Time of Day Files by yourself:

    Datas Here: then search for a Town in the middle of the Route (better in the Near of the Route-Origin). then take a data according to the season, not the beginning, more in the miidle of the season.

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    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von StS ()

  • Maybe you have scenarios that needs the Armstrong Powerhouse "Sky & Weather Enhancement Pack", and it is not installed. Please check the scenarios you played, if they mabe need the Enhancement Pack ?

    May I ask you what Routes and scenarios have this problem ?

  • To be fair, I think it could be related to the Armstrong Powerhouse "Sky & Weather Enhancement Pack". I have it installed and it works on that Bar-Zeta route but elsewhere it creates this weird darkness and unrealistic sun problem. I don't know how to get rid of it though but if I delete AP then Bar-Zeta has a black sky suddenly and the darkness and unrealistic timeofday issue persists still.

  • IKB3 Route Origin is Trier, Time is UTC+2 Summertime. Today 5:49 21: 29

    But there is more Data in the routesproperties:


    Zone Number and Zone Letter

    and below:
    <TimeZone d:type="sFloat32" d:alt_encoding="0000000000000000" d:precision="string">0</TimeZone>

    <SummerTime d:type="sFloat32" d:alt_encoding="000000000020AC40" d:precision="string">3600</SummerTime>

    So I do not kow how the TS calculates the darkness for this values.

    Keine Hilfe und Auskunft per PN, da meist von allgemeinem Interesse. Diese Fragen bitte im Forum stellen.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von StS ()

  • I can maybe post my TimeofDay file for IK3 and Berlin-Leipzig here. But, like I said, I have the same problem on more or less 99% of my routes and I have about 15 routes. Maybe the Enhancement Pack from Armstrong Powerhouse caused this but I don't know how to fix it now.

  • How I now it, the Armstrong Weather Enhancement can be use, just when in the scenarios this is included, scenarios whitouth this feature can not use it.

    If you do not have scenarios with included AP-Weather Enhancement, you can ot use it und it should be deinstalled (deleted and replaced with the orignal route weather files).

  • Maybe it would be better to deinstalled it, then you can see, if the problems are going on, also you can search in this forum, if we have scenarios for your installed routes.

    For the Berlin Leipzig route we have an new version (freeware) called "Berlin Leipzig remastered", i hope that you can find scenarios with inplemented AP-Weather.

    A lot of scenarios have two versions, one with the original weather, an a second one, with AP implemented, an that is allways mentioned by the scenario author, so they are easy to find.

  • I tried uninstalling AP, I still have the same issue even without AP so I am confused as to what the problem is. ^^ Believe me, I tried a lot of different things, nothing has worked so far.

  • For Berlin Leipzig original Route we have in this forum also scenarios who need AP, search the name of TrainFW, he did make some scenarios with AP included, the package ends allways with

    Try one of them and see if the issue is still there.

  • From the AP-Pack you should copy only the "AP\Weather" in the Assets, for other routes just when they have a specified folder for the route, for Berlin Leipzig, IKB3 are no such folder.

    Do you have other standard routes, copy in there just the specified folder for installed routes.

    I did myself the following, first renamed the Assets folder to Assets0, then I installed the Enhancement Pack, the new Assets folder I removed from the TS Installation, and moved it into another drive, so I can see, where the Pack is installing himselve.

    I supose that you installed the pack, whitout nowing where it comes in. ist maybe installed also for routes what you do not have.

    No you can do that what I did, rename the Assets folder temporarely, remove the new Assets folder, containing just the Enhancement Pack, in a secure place, than rename again the primary Asset folder.

    Now you can see in the new installed and removed Assets folder, where the Enhancement Pack is installed in your Assets, now you can search installed Assets, for routes you do not have installed, and remove them, that would hopefely help to resolve the issue.

    How I could see on my PC, the Enhancement Pack comes also with an scenario for the Midland Mainline London Bedford (00000034-d000-0000-0000-000000002014), if you have this route, you can try the scenario, if you do not have the route, you must delete this folder with this scenario in it, can make issues.