Beta version of the new RW_Tools released.
I get an error report "Runtime error 6 overflow" when I close the program.
Forget the light Version! https://rail-sim.de/forum/wsif…ntry/5564-RW-Tools/#files
first the vollversion, then the Update to 8.1.16 -
Aber was kann den die neue Version RWTools was die alte Version nicht konnte?
Möchte ich auch gerne mal wissen. Der PicViewer geht schon mal nicht.
Download the betaversion and read the read-me.
Fehler mit dem can not swap Locos for Wagons ist immer noch vorhanden...
Most important new feature for me is this:
It is now possible to enable several QD AI consists to a route with one click. In the old version you had to do this one by one.
I just enabled ALL the QD consists in the 3dzug verkehrspack preload folder to a route with ONE click! Can’t remember how many that is but it is like 90 consists enabled for a route in one click.
This will save me days of work.
Download the betaversion and read the read-me.
Wie sollte ich sonst wissen, das der PicViewer nicht geht ,wenn ich die Beta nicht runtergeladen hätte?
No need for being angry at me when i respond to people wanting to know what is new.
What i am saying is that anybody who wants to know what is new, can download the .rar file from the link i posted, unpack it, then read the readme file. The new features are described in the readme files.
I have already written what is the important new feature for me.
@Kim_olesen1 I just want to say thank you, for me this tool version is very useful.
To be able to check scenarios for missing stuff with just one click really saves a lot of thime.