Child Objects

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  • Salve a tutti , chiedo il vostro aiuto devo realizare un display digitale per un orologio, associato come children object e ho bisogno di spegnerlo e accenderlo, credo che si possa fare tramite script ma non so come procedere potreste aiutarmi grazie ?(

    Hello everyone, I ask for your help I have to make a digital display for a watch, associated as children object and I need to turn it off and turn it on, I think you can do it through scripts but I do not know how to proceed you could help me thanks ?(

    Chiedo scusa se non è la sezione giusta.

    sorry if it's not the right section.

  • But don't do a digi clock with that method. Use the digital clock BP that is based on a texture set method. It's way more efficient in TS than switching nodes by script. Each Call goes to the LUA stack and costs performance. Especially the node activation calls. A texture set works different and more efficient. You can also control texture sets from within scripts with only one Call per change. For a clock based on nodes you need up to 12 calls for each change.

  • the clock was already created and working, I just need to make it visible or invisible at the touch of a button, I tried to post it as if it were a cabin light through a script but it does not work

    if Call("*:GetControlValue", "OrologioSCMT", 0) == 1 then

    Call( "Digitalclock:Activate", 1)

    Call( "Digitalclock:Activate", 0)


    another solution but it does not work

    if Call("OrologioSCMT") == 0 then
    Call ( "ActivateNode", "Digitalclock", 0 )

    elseif Call("OrologioSCMT") == 1 then
    Call ( "ActivateNode", "Digitalclock", 1 )
