Passenger coaches with vR TAV control

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  • i am changing the scenarios in most of my routes to use the few virtual railroads expert lines loco's i have (BR 120 and 110)

    i like having the door control funtion (shift - T to close the doors, with the light in the MFA going out when the doors are locked) but i only have 2 sets of coaches from vR, and i would like some variety.

    i was playing with swapping coaches a few weeks ago, and discovered there was a set that worked with the vR tav, but i can not remember who made them... they came with one of the routes is all i know, they were not vR coaches, they were of the Aimz / Bimz type i believe.

    Can anyone reccomend some coaches that work with the TAV system that are provided by routes?

  • I have bought some more vR products, including the BR103 that included some Bimz and Amiz coaches, so use them now,

    but i wish i knew what other coaches worked with the vR door closing system, as i had some before i re-installed train simulator

  • That might have been the ones from "RW0381" (they are now cooperating with 3DZUG). But those don't come with any route *denk*

    The only "Bimz"-Wagons I know that are coming with a route are the standard ones by Kuju (original developer of RailWorks, DTG/RSC bought the license later), in most cases they are delivered in a blue IR- (Aimz) and an "orientrot"-IC-livery (both "outdated, InterRegio was canceled in 2002 and the red IC-livery got outdated by the same time I think).
    The only route I know who had those wagons in the actual ICE-like livery was Hamburg-Lubeck, but I'm quite sure they are not compatible with vR's TAV system.

    But vR has also some IC-cars of the Aimz/ARkimbz/Bimz type in stock, you should find them in the "wagons"-section :)