I have problem i can not find the textures folder for the BR434. Is it in BR424 if so where. or another place.
Hope some can help me
I have problem i can not find the textures folder for the BR434. Is it in BR424 if so where. or another place.
Hope some can help me
It`s in the 424 "Textures" folder, because they use the same textures for the 434 units.
The Br434 is not on your website either the train or a repaint
if so where ?
what? Why should it be on my website? I`m not DTG!
This here is the BR424 https://store.steampowered.com…BR424_EMU_AddOn/?l=german Buy it and take a look in the folders...
I have bought it and have searched in every folder i can only find BIN files for 434 as GEO but no textures folder or files for BR434.
Thats the problem
As Matthias already said: the Br 424 texture apply to the Br 434 aswell. If you repaint the 424 textures, the 434 units will also be repaintet.
Okay is it the BR424 Regio and BR434 Regio i shall use? i have tried BR424 folder and the BR434 has not been changed
This picture show it. In Build i can see the name and the geo is visible and it can drive.
I have tried all connection options i think. BR424 and the regio 424 and regio 434. The picture shows my problem
Not much help to get here?
Just reinstall it and make it again.
The Train or the repaint folder?
you should try it again with a new and clear installation of that, what you want to repaint it.