Altenburg Wildau Museumfahrt V200 Revisited

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  • Gerade auf UKTrainSim entdeckt *jippy*
    Museumfahrt V200 Revisited - A Scenario for the Altenburg - Wildau Route by SAD. Edited and tested with Railworks v117.3a.

    Somewhere along the way the original Museumfahrt V200 activity
    stopped working with the latest RW updates so I decided to investigate
    and see if it could be made to work again.

    It soon became clear that it wasn't going to be a case of making
    some minor adjustments to trains, routes and times as each time even the
    smallest amount of adjustment was made, the timetable view within the
    editor would turn to a mass of red exclaimation marks and error

    The end result is an almost complete makeover whilst hopefully
    retaining the objectives and feel of the original scenario, although I
    changed the weather from rain to a nice hazy Summers day!

  • Hallo,

    Graham hat sich bei mir gemeldet, um ein "deutsche Version" zu erstellen und sie dann hier bei
    hochzuladen. Ich übernehme die Übersetzung.

    Demnächst mehr ...

    ... Grottenmolch der ersten Stunde und stolz darauf !