Western Sichuan Pass von Simtech

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  • Es gibt eine neue Strecke aus China
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    The Western Sichuan Pass delivers unique mountainside passenger
    operations throughout the Sichuan province of Southwest China, and is
    brought to life, courtesy of Partner Programme developer, Simtech

    The western highlands form perhaps the most striking
    scenery in all of China, and nestled within the mountains are towns such
    as Dujiangyan, Wenchuan and Maoxian, all of which are connected by the
    160km long Western Sichuan Pass. The passengers experience an
    unforgettable journey across this line, all while the driver’s skills
    are put to the test on a ruling grade of 3%.

    With such steep
    grades, and a top line speed of 160 km/h, the Western Sichuan Pass
    demanded an entirely new type of unit to compete with modern standards
    and safely transport passengers through the range. Enter the CRH6, a
    unique iteration of China’s modern electric multiple units which could
    be built for a variety of uses.

    For the Western Sichuan Pass, the
    CRH6F was chosen, a quasi-high-Speed commuter variation with a top
    speed of 180 km/h and high capacity to fill the express commuter role.
    Given the family’s rapid acceleration and effective braking, efficient
    operation and as-standard creature comforts, the CRH6F was the perfect
    choice for such a route, and it entered service in July 2015.

    The CRH6F, given its tough environment, is relatively straightforward to
    drive. It has enough power and brake force to manage the grades, and
    features cruise capabilities to ease the load on the driver in harsh
    climbs and descents. For the passengers, a spacious cabin allows for
    high capacity and high comfort, with plenty of windows from which to
    enjoy the view.

    Buried within the Hengduan Mountains, the Western
    Sichuan Pass, which is ready for you in Train Simulator, truly is a
    change of pace from the high-speed networks that link cities together,
    instead, a chance to take a step back in awe of some of the World’s most
    stunning peaks, from modern-day traction, awaits you.

    The Western Sichuan Pass for Train Simulator includes the 160km route from
    Dujiangyan to Maoxian and Mashancun, the modern CRH6F EMU in 4, 8 and
    16-car variations - complete with cruise control, startup procedures and
    in-cab signalling - a selection of Career scenarios to put you through
    your paces and quick drive compatibility as standard.

    Preis 29.99€

  • Ich frag mich, ist dies jetzt eine Strecke die auf einer realen basiert oder ist die fiktiv? Finde über Google keine Informationen und auch auf OpenStreetmaps, Google Maps (Satelit) und Openrailwaymap ist nix von einer Bahnstrecke zu sehen, nich mal ne Baustelle (falls die Karten einigermassen aktuell sind).

    "Wenn ihr nicht auf meiner Seite steht, dann seid ihr mein Feind!" (Anakin/Vader) - "Nur ein Sith kennt nichts weiter als Extreme" (Kenobi) - Star Wars