Problem RW-Tools open .TgPcdx
It´s easier to open it with the RSbinTool (available in the forum). After that you can save the texture as a dds file and edit it with a graphic programm like photoshop.
Uncomplete Version, You need the additional Update avialable here: http://www.rstools.info/downloads.html
aktuall Version. 7.0.26
Installation and runnig as Administrator! -
I have RW-Tools
I just want to convert .dds to TgPcDx, I can with RsBinTool?
Yes you can, @Wenel Taurus2669
The Errorr Picture in Item #1 says, you have only the basic Version. 7.0.00, You need 7.0.26! If You want to use RW-Tools for all possibilities.
Anyway you can convert TGPCDX to dds and vice versa with RsBinTool. Reimport of dds same size and Kompression as by extraktion. Notice the data shown in the rsbintool by extraction.
Okay, the problem is ok i have change the compatibility of the appliaction
Windows 10 was not compatible...But thanks for all helps !