[ChrisTrains] Stadler Flirt 3 Nederlandse Spoorwegen ; Randstadnet ; Südwest-Express V2.0

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  • Wenn du über 105kmh warst, ist das schon richtig. Nennt sich GPA und so :D
    Und noch ein Fehler. Wenn man mit ner 85er überwachung ohne 1000er zum Stillstand kommt. Wird nach kurzer Zeit aus 85 eine 1000er 45 Überwachung. Die PZB ist mir nicht geheuer- *ka*:ugly:
    @ChrisTrains maybe @SebastianO. could help you with the PZB.
    An die Beta Tester habt ihr die PZB nur Oberflächlich geprüft? *denk* (Nicht böse gemeint)

    Gruß Sven

    Mein System? Schau hier


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von SÜWEX ()

  • Auf welcher Strecke versuchst du den Zug zu fahren?

    [anmerkung]Verschoben aus Bewertungsthread[/anmerkung]

  • Doors - this is a well-known limitation of the game. There is no function that I can use to tell me when the doors are about to close so I default the door-close sound to 35 seconds. If I try to manually control the doors, the game gives two problems. (1) passengers walk through doors that are closed because the game thinks they are open. (2) AI trains leave the platform with the doors open because the game thinks they are closed.

    Cruise override is maxed out at 160km/h because that's the limit of the Flirt 3.

    Chris, i think you misunderstand me regarding the doors. This has nothing to do with a game limitation or a manually vs automatic way to close the doors. I don´t have this issue with any other train than the Flirt 3.

    Take a look at this video to see/hear the difference:

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    1. Note that it is a timetabled scenario.
    2. Notice the time in the HUD.
    3. When the HUD shows 19:00:30 in the Flirt 3 cab, you will hear the audio that indicates that the doors are being closed. (not expected)
    4. Note that the red indicator in the HUD shows that they are not closed. (as expected)
    5. When looking outside the train the doors are open. (as expected, but why did i get the audio beeps at 19:00:30-19:00:34?)

    6. When we are in the ICE3 cab, notice that the audio that indicates that the doors are being closed starts when the HUD shows 19:00:55. (as expected)

    7. Also note that the red indicator disappears at the same time. (as expected)

    8. When looking outside the train the doors are closed. (as expected)

    No other train that uses automatic door controls behaves like the Flirt 3 in timetabled scenarios. No other train gives audio signals in the cab after 30 seconds indicating that the doors are being closed while they are not being closed. When using timetabled scenarios with other trains i see and hear what i see in the video with the ICE3, iow the audio beeps comes when the doors are closed. If i set the doors to close 19:05:00 for the ICE3, the beeps comes and the doors are being closed 19:04:55 no matter what. That´s what i expect to see/hear in the Flirt 3. What i see/hear today in the Flirt 3 has nothing to do with game limitation or automatic vs manual door controls. :)

    Regarding the cruise controller:

    I get that it is maxed out at 160 Km/h, but is there a way to override it by manually edit a .bin file so i can mimic the Swedish MTR Express train that maxes out at 200 Km/h. I know how to edit the files, i just need a help in the right direction. :)

  • Bei Lf6 mit KZ kleiner gleich 9 sollte man immer Wachsam drücken. Bei Lf6 mit KZ größer gleich 10 sollte man dann eben schauen, dass man unter die Prüfgeschwindigkeit kommt, sonst knallt's richtig

  • Ok the sound you're hearing in the cab is the outside sound that happens just before the doors close, not a cab alert.

    What should happen is that about 5 seconds before the doors close, there is an audible tone outside. This is what I'm trying to recreate.

    On the ICE, the tone is either part of the door close sound effect, or it's triggered as the door is closing. This is not right - it should sound 5 seconds before the doors close and there is no way to do this in the game which is why I default my timer to 35 seconds.
    If you look at the ICE from outside, the sound plays as the doors start moving which is extremely easy to do, but completely wrong.

    I've been doing this for four years with the Dutch trains. Originally everyone complained about the same thing. Then I took the sound out completely and everyone complained. Then I put it back in but it played as the doors were closing and everyone complained. So I just put it back to 35 seconds and live with it because no matter what I do, everyone complains. :(

    The best I can do is mark the sound to be "external only" then you can't hear it from the cab.

    Although I'm concerned that you CAN hear it - that makes me think you might have EFX turned off because on my test systems, the outside sounds are so quiet and muffled you can barely hear them.

    Re; PZB 45 limit after not acknowledging a 1000Hz magnet. This is how PZB is - if you drop below a certain speed in a 1000Hz or 500Hz zone you end up in restrictive mode. If you miss a 1000Hz magnet and let the train come to a stop, you'll be in 45km/h restricted mode.

  • @SÜWEX ist vollkommen korrekt so.

    Auch, wenn du nicht "Wachsam" gedrückt hast, nimmt das Fahrzeug die 1000 Hz Beeinflussung auf. Und wenn man bei einer wirkenden 1000 Hz Beeinflussung zum stehen kommt, kommt man in den restriktiven Modus. Also, alles richtig.

  • Musst beim anhalten einfach möglichst mit mehr als 55% bremsen dann kommst du auch zum stehen.

    "Der Eisenbahner hat sich mit der für den Eisenbahnbetriebsdienst notwendigen Raschheit, jedoch ohne Überstürzung und ohne übertriebene Hast zu bewegen."

    vermutlich aus der Reichsbahnvorschrift von 1920

  • Ich hätte einen Vorschlag für die Repainter hier, nachdem wir eigentlich keinen wirklich geeigneten CFL Kiss ersatz haben, könnte man doch ein Repaint machen auf der Basis vom Flirt3 erstellen und nur die beiden Triebköpfe und einen der beiden Mittelwagen mit Stromabnehmer nehmen. Das ist zwar auch nicht Perfekt weil es kein Doppelstock ist aber ich finde besser als der IRM ohne PZB und Sifa der dazu noch den Flirt ziemlich übertönt und auch nicht so wahnsinn ausschaut, außerdem wird kein anderes Add-On dann mehr benötigt was ggf. für einen Deutschen doch recht exotisch ist. *ja*