[DTG] USATC S160 verfügbar

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    Zitat von DTG

    The US ATC S160 includes an Advanced Pro-Series version and also includes a HUD/Xbox controller-compatible version.

    A truly international add-on for Train Simulator, the USATC S160 recreates a diverse class of steam locomotives that were designed, built and, in some cases, lost forever in very quick time.

    During World War II, it was realised that, if allied attempts to enter the European mainland were successful, there would be a shortage of locomotives for the mass movement of troops and equipment due to the state of the railways after years of war.

    As a result, two locomotives were designed specifically for the purpose of heavy freight movements – the British War Department Austerity 2-8-0 and the USATC S160, the latter being designed by a committee made up of the USATC and locomotive builders Alco, Baldwin and Lima.

    Despite this slightly unconventional method of ‘design by committee’, the S160 was a resounding success – a wide, riveted steel firebox driving powerful 26” pistons produced 31,490lb/f of tractive effort; a Westinghouse pump for air brakes mounted on the smokebox also gave the S160 its off-centre smokebox door design.

    In total, more than 2,100 locomotives were shipped worldwide, every country making its own changes and modifications, and every one with their own livery. Of this mass production, 800 of the Class landed in the UK and were fitted with vacuum brakes, while 200 were built for the Russian loading gauge of 1,520mm. Named Ша (ShA), they were used to help the Soviet war effort, and after the war were taken into regular service. By 1957, 50 had been converted to narrow gauge, and named Шy.

    After the war, the S160s were scattered all over the world and continued to be maintained and used in almost every Allied country, including Algeria, China, Hungary, Korea, Mexico, Peru, Spain and Turkey. Some of the Class were in use as late as 1997 – a considerable feat given the expected design life was just 90 days!

    The USATC S160 for Train Simulator is available in a number of liveries representative of their long and well-travelled history, including USATC Black, USATC Grey, Longmoor Military Railway, BR Preserved, USSR Ша (wartime and post wartime), USA Alaska Railroad, USA Army, Poland Post-War and Poland Black Wartime. A number of wartime period freight wagons are included, such as USATC 56t Flatcar, 40ft Flatcar, USATC 9,900 gallon Tank Car, USATC Caboose, Warwell, LMS Brake Van, USSR 20t Flatcar and USSR Brake Van.

    The locomotives are also Quick Drive compatible, giving you the freedom to drive the USATC S160 on any Quick Drive enabled route for Train Simulator, such as those available through Steam. Also included are scenarios specifically for the West Somerset Railway, Horseshoe Curve and Riviera Line: Exeter-Kingswear routes (available separately and required to play these scenarios).

    Three scenarios for the West Somerset Railway route:

    • Gala Preparation
    • Gala Opening Day
    • Gala Replacement
      Four scenarios for the Horseshoe Curve route:

    • International Co-operation: Part 1
    • International Co-operation: Part 2
    • Army Switch
    • Alaska RR Rail Tour
      Three scenarios for the Riviera Line: Exeter-Kingswear route:

    • D-Day Preparations
    • Leftovers
    • Rewriting History
      More scenarios are available on Steam Workshop online and in-game. Train Simulator’s Steam Workshop scenarios are free and easy to download, adding many more hours of exciting gameplay. With scenarios being added daily, why don’t you check it out now!

      Click here for Steam Workshop scenarios.Key Features

    • USATC S160 steam locomotive in 10 realistic liveries, including USATC Black, USATC Grey, Longmoor Military Railway, BR Preserved, USSR Ша (wartime and post wartime), USA Alaska Railroad, USA Army, Poland Post-War and Poland Black Wartime
    • USSR fitted locomotives with standard and 1,520mm gauge wheels
    • Specific brake and coupling types to suit country variants
    • Simple, Standard and Advanced driving modes
    • Custom sound sets recorded from preserved S160s
    • Dynamic whistle control
    • Operable tender controls
    • Realistic wheel-slip
    • Wartime period rolling stock, including USATC 56t Flatcar, 40ft Flatcar, USATC 9,900 gallon Tank Car, USATC Caboose, Warwell, LMS Brake Van, USSR 20t Flatcar and USSR Brake Van
    • 68 Quick Drive consists which include suitable rolling stock for each livery
    • Custom sound sets inside and out recorded from preserved S160’s from around the world with two different sets of chuffs, crafted by Steam Sounds Supreme
    • Quick Drive compatible
    • Scenarios for the West Somerset Railway, Horsehoe Curve and Riviera Line: Exeter-Kingswear routes
    • Download size: 2,006mb
  • Kurz anprobiert, nicht schlecht, aber aller Dampf ist kohlrabenschwarz, nicht nur der Rauch aus dem Kamin, sondern auch der Dampf des Sicherheitsventil, der Injektors und der Cylinder Cocks. Bremse läuft gut. Der Reverser verhält sich echt, d.h. man muss die Sperre lösen mit E und den Throttle auf Null haben, sonst springt er rum. Das ist einfach mal ein erster Eindruck, später werde ich mal ein scenario fahren. EZweiter Eindruck ist äuserst positiv, vor allem wenn man advanced fährt. Sound ist ausgezeichnet und stimmt meist mit dem Auspuff überein. Verschiedene Camera Views erleichtern das Fahren. Hbe das Model mit dem Raildriver ausprobiert, läuft eiwandfrei. Ich glaube lann man jedem echte Dampffan nur empfehelen.

    Gerhard Illi - Volldampf voraus

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von illige ()

  • N'Abend,

    ... interessieren würde sie mich schon, allerdings sind die Einsatzmöglichkeiten aus meiner
    Sicht doch leider sehr eingeschränkt.

    2014 gab es im Eisenbahn-Kurier (Heft 4 und 5) einen sehr interessanten Bericht über das
    USATC und den Einsatz der S 160 während- und nach dem Krieg in Europa und dann später
    auch weltweit ...

    S160-4478 geht am 12. Mai 1945 in Bremerhaven an Land
    Quelle: EK 4/2014, (c) US-Army

    ... Grottenmolch der ersten Stunde und stolz darauf !

  • Dtg still developing something with its forces or only based on outside developers? *ka* Are they in economic difficulties?
    *blöd* Some examples:Tsue no news, Black forest a horrible remake, Obb 1044 developed by Shg,(incoming also a Welsh path),Usatc s160 developed by Victoria Works etc.

  • Sind das schöne Loks 8o<3 Besonders die in Blau gefällt mir sehr gut, setze es mal auf die Wunschliste, habe momentan genug Strecken und Rollmaterial, aber wenn Bedarf an Neuem gibt hole ich sie mir. Hat jemand das Addon schon und kann mal ein kurzes Feedback geben wie sie Allgemein so sind?

  • Mir hat schon die Peppercorn K1 und der Railmotor gefallen, Victory Works und SSSS enttäuschen nie. Lieferumfang sehr schön, Lok sehr schön und angenehm zu fahren (bin nur im Standard Modus herumgedampft), der Sound gehört gehört 8o Jetzt bastel ich mir Szenarien in denen die Panzer und Raketenwerfer auf ein Abstellgleis gebracht und verschrottet werden - wir können froh sein, dass der Krieg vorbei ist *ja*


  • Ich kann mich meinen Vorredner nur anschließen, es ist wirklich eine extrem gut gemachte Lokomotive, Sound und Optik ist allererste Sahne, super Lieferumfang und macht echt Spaß zu Fahren. Einziger Knackpunkt ist für mich das es keine Kontinetaleuropäische schwarze Variante mit Beleuchtung gibt, aber vielleicht kommt da nochmal was. Von mir gibts eine Kaufempfehlung für jeden der Freude an Dampfloks hat!