Warum es aussieht? Es sieht unrealistisch aus? mir kann jemand helfen? Ich kann die zug nicht vorbereiten?

Railjet nicht wirklich
Was sieht unrealistisch aus? Was meinst du mit 'ich kann die Zug nicht vorbereiten" ?
Er kann ihn anscheinend nicht aufrüsten.
My father is from germany but not my mother, i didnt have the german language at home from my father so sorry for my broken german,
The problem is the buttons are unrealistic, they look like foto skin and arent 3D. I cant startup the loco or the Steuerwagen. Can someone please help me. -
I don't have the railjet but I think that's how it's supposed to be..
Please read the Englisch manual. You find it at: steam/steamapps/common/railworks/manuals/en
The pictures in the manual does not look like when in game, in game it looks like unrealistic and not 3D. I cant even switch the buttons!
When you press shift+b does something happen?
On your first Picture I can see an broken Reverser, so I think, you schould reinstall the Railjet, there is something broken in the Scripts, the broken Display is also typical for an fault in your Scripts. Please delete your current instalation of the Railjet an try to install it again.
FabiaLP -
I did the reinstall but it does not work.
ok, then, just do it again, but turn OFF your antivirus before starting the installer. This is the only thing I can think of when seeing the error. If this does not work, you need to contact the support.
FabiaLP -
And again this does not work. I dont trust the support because it takes days to get a reply back.
Maybe the support doesn't write back faster because you write rude?
@thenilsman Ein Support hat nicht danach zu supporten ob jemand böse ist oder nicht. Der Großteil der Anfragen bei einem Support sind eher deftig. Trotzdem hat der Support seine Arbeit ordentlich und so schnell wie möglich zu erledigen, das gehört zu einem guten Support dazu.
Thenilsman, i think you have the right to write rude when you paid 39.95 Euro's for an add-on that doesnt even work. But NO i didnt write rude, im not somebody like you think. It doesnt work, i reinstalled this add-on over and over and still i cant be happy for my 39,95 paid!
Thats impossible, i bought the real one from Justrains, i learned the manual.
Good Evening Digotonx
Your picture one the first post, has no additional switches, this get through Installable File,
or turn away to Just Train.binoo
Still i keep having the same problem, that foto skin look!